Eight-Person Mixed Tag Match

The inspiration for Hailey, Charlotte and Rayne
Last night was an eight-person mixed tag team match. Me, my sister Rayne Sky (middle), her friend Charlotte Muharsky (right) and Hailey Jackson (left) vs. Caleb, Shannon, and her friends Kailyn and Brooke. Rayne, having been attacked by Kailyn several times over the last couple weeks, immediately speared Kailyn outside. Charlotte attacked Brooke and smashed her repeatedly into the turnbuckle. Ultimately it came down to Charlotte and Brooke, as the rest of us were outside the ring. Charlotte quickly took down Brooke with a modified swinging wristlock side slam that was good for a two count. Kailyn came in and took out Charlotte with a Widow's Peak, but Hailey ran into the ring and delivered a Chokeslam on Kailyn. Shannon delivered a Pedigree on Hailey but was speared by Rayne, who then took down Shannon with a spinning neckbreaker on her knee. Rayne showboated to the [small] crowd and Caleb grabbed her. I came in and speared Caleb and powerbombed him to the floor. Back in the ring, Brooke tried to roll up Rayne but Rayne got out of it and delivered a step-up kick to the side of Brooke's head. Kailyn delivered a Diamond Cutter on Rayne for another two. Charlotte sneaked up behind Kailyn and delivered a sitting double-arm facebuster. Shannon grabbed Charlotte for another Pedigree, but I grabbed my title belt and hit Shannon in the face. Charlotte then delivered a Snap DDT and pinned Shannon.


  1. This Thursday will be a six-woman match to determine the first Divas Champion: Rayne vs. Hailey vs. Shannon vs. Brooke vs. Kailyn vs. Charlotte. I also have a Buried Alive Match with Caleb for the title. I will report the results Friday.


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