RTX Xtreme - January 31, 2017:

* show taped January 30.

Non-title Triple Threat Tag: Bear & Tiger defeated The Young Bucks and Edge & Christian: 
Although it is Bear and Tiger will get the title match against Edge & Christian on February 11, The Bucks were added to this match so we could possibly get some sort of closure to this pressing issue between the challengers and the Bucks. Matt came into this match still wearing his protective face guard after being hit in the face with a rock at Hunt3d. Both opposing teams took advantage of that during this match. After knocking Matt out by ramming him face first into the steel ring post, Edge attempted to pin Bear with a backslide with his feet on the ropes but Nick Jackson shoved his feet off. Edge and Nick began to fight, leaving Christian alone with Bear and Tiger. Bear and Tiger executed a double team wheelbarrow cutter combo on Christian, followed by Knife Hands from Tiger and a spear by Bear for the non-title victory.

Last Knockout Standing Match for the RTX Divas' Championship: Madison Rayne (c) defeated Mickie James:
Mickie almost had the match and the title won after Caroline Channing ran in and hit Madison with the Divas' championship belt. But Max Black attacked Caroline from the crowd and slammed the latter into the barricade. This caught James' attention, and the referee's, as Max slapped James with a jumping kick from the floor. Thus, Rayne was able to recover from the belt-shot. Rayne spears James but it isn't enough to put James down for a ten count. Rayne then punches James with her trademark loaded glove and James stays down for the count.

The Shield reunited after the following match

Eight-Man Tag: Davey Richards, Mike Bennett, AJ Styles and Kevin Owens defeated Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Team Xtreme (Caleb & Chris) (w/Shandi):
Caleb & Chris watching Shield reunite
This was Seth Rollins' return match to RTX after TLC, when he helped Tiger defeat Kevin Owens in a chairs match. This match also saw the RTX return of Randy Orton for the first time since 2013, but what he did was not what anyone in RTX expected. After Bennett broke up a pin attempt by Chris Sky on Styles, the two teams both came in and began brawling. Most of the action spilled to the outside, but Styles and Sky continued to brawl inside the ring. Richards was down near the ropes as Ambrose came in and delivered the Dirty Deeds on Styles. Richards pulled Ambrose to the outside. Chris flew off the top with a Swanton Bomb on Styles, but the referee's attention was taken by the six men brawling outside the ring. Sky was frustrated and tried to get the ref's attention. Randy Orton then came in through the crowd. Sky stood and turned, only to get drilled with an RKO outta nowhere by the Viper!! Orton rolled Styles over onto Sky and exits ringside. The referee finally turns and counts the pin, giving the heel team the shocking victory. After the match, Sky is recovering outside the ring after the heel team has left. Orton is in the ring with Ambrose and Rollins. Orton smirks arrogantly at them, but when he turns to leave, he is speared out of nowhere by Roman Reigns!! Caleb and Chris watch on in shock from the ramp as the Shield deliver
a Triple Powerbomb and leave Orton laying to close the show.
