RTX TV Update: January 17 and January 21:

RTX Xtreme - January 17, 2017 (taped Jan. 15):
Max Black
- Six-Diva Tag for all the Divas' titles : Max Black, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne defeated Meagan Shelley, Caroline Channing, and Angelina Love to retain all the gold (9:09): Caroline and Meagan handcuffed Sky and Rayne to the ringposts after a vicious assault by Davey Richards on Max. Love hit Max in the back of the head with one of the championship belts as the referee was being distracted by Caroline. Meagan and Angelina then began to double team Max until Chris Sky came in and double chokeslammed both of them, pulling Max over onto Love for the victory.
- Lost Minds Warm-Up Match (non-title): Bear & Tiger defeated The Young Bucks (18:42): Matt came into this match wearing a protective face guard after being hit in the face with a rock by a crazed fan back at Hunt3d. The Bucks almost had this non-title match won with an Indy-Taker on Bear but Tiger managed to break it up despite having just taken a superkick from Nick on the outside. Tiger pulls Nick out of the ring, distracting Matt and allowing Bear to rip Matt's mask off. Matt is caught off guard, allowing Tiger to straddle this throat across the top rope. Matt turns and is met with a sickening superman punch to his injured face, giving Bear and Tiger the victory over the champs.
Chris Sky
- Tag Team Grudge Match: Chris Sky & Shawn Michaels defeated Davey Richards & Mike Bennett (22:02): A tag team that nobody in the RTX Universe ever thought they'd see after the epic (and very personal) 2015 rivalry, cited by some as the best rivalry in the company's history. Michaels returned at Hunt3d, aiding his longtime rival Chris Sky in retaining the World Title, shocking everybody in attendance. At the end of this personal battle, Michaels dove from the top with the elbow, planting Bennett through the commentators table at ringside. Back in the ring, Angelina Love ran in and tried to aid her husband Richards in winning but instead took another chokeslam from Sky. As Sky rolls Love out of the ring, Michaels comes in with the Sweet Chin Music on Richards. Michaels covers and wins it for his team.

RTX Live - January 21 (taped January 18):
- Divas' Championship Match: Madison Rayne (c) defeated Caroline Channing in a street fight: Caroline almost had the title won with a DDT on a chair while Madison's feet were on the top rope. Madison managed to kick out. Velvet Sky handed Madison the hairspray and Caroline got sprayed in the eyes. Caroline managed to roll out to the apron. When she stood, Madison speared her off the apron through a table on the floor. Since pins only count in the ring, Madison rolled Caroline back into the ring and covers to retain the title.
- Fatal Four Way Tag Team Championship Flashback Match: Edge & Christian
Caleb & Chris backstage before the match
defeated The Young Bucks, Team Xtreme (Chris Sky/Caleb Essick) (w/ Shandi), and Bear & Tiger:
Edge and Christian showed up as the surprise challengers for the titles. Edge & Christian already had plently of experience with the tag titles in RTX, having held the gold on six different occasions, most recently in 2011. At the end of this one, chaos ensued between the four teams, leaving Sky and Essick with Christian back in the ring. As Bear and Tiger hammered away at the Bucks on the floor, Edge was recovering after being rammed into the post. In the ring, Caleb hit a Twist of Fate on Christian. Edge pulls Caleb outside as Chris delivers a beautiful Air Psycho on Christian, but fails to realize, as does everyone, that Edge is the legal man, not Christian. Edge comes out of nowhere with a Spear on Chris and covers to win Edge & Christian's
Edge & Christian won their seventh Tag Titles
record-tying seventh Tag Team Championship.
- RTX Championship Rematch - if anyone in Bullet Club interferes, they will be fined and suspended for a month without pay - Kyle O'Reilly (c) defeated Adam Cole 2 falls to 1 in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Cole wins the first fall after using his trademark piece of metal on O'Reilly when the referee was trying to put the turnbuckle back on, followed by hitting the Last Shot. O'Reilly wins the second falls just three minutes later with a surprise inside cradle as Cole goes for the Figure Four. The two battle another cringeworthy twelve minutes until O'Reilly wins the third and final fall with a devastating brainbuster off the top rope.
