RTX Xtreme & Live - Feb. 14 and 18, 2017:

RTX Xtreme (taped February 12) and RTX Live (taped Feb. 15) both featured World Championship matches. Xtreme featured Adam Cole's final shot at Kyle O'Reilly's title, while Live featured Roderick Strong defending against Davey Richards Chris Sky in a Chicago Street Fight.

RTX Xtreme - 2.14.17:
- The show opens up with Angelina Love coming to the ring, with Love saying that she has had enough of the Beautiful People, and that she is here to end the Beautiful People once and for all. She calls Velvet Sky, Max Black and Madison Rayne out, but only Velvet comes out. When Angelina asks where Velvet's partners are, asking if they're chicken, Sky states that "Madison and Max are the last things you need to worry about". Velvet briefly glances behind Love, and Love turns around, where she comes face to face with Velvet's "kayfabe" brother Chris Sky. Love tries to run but Sky catches her by the hair, which brings out Davey Richards, who threatens to throw Velvet off the stage if Chris doesn't let Angelina go. Chris pushes Love toward Richards and Velvet runs to her brother, who then challenges Richards to a Mixed Tag Team Match later tonight.
- Caleb Essick, Shandi Essick and RTX World Tag Team Champions Bear defeated "American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes (sub. for Adam Cole), Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks in an 8-Person Tag Team Match at 18:21 when Shandi pinned Rhodes after a Pedigree; as per pre match stipulation, Bear and Tiger were able to choose the stipulation for their title match with the Bucks at Victory Road; they chose Hell in a Cell.
- The cameras, after the match, cut to seperate locker room shots of Chris and Velvet Sky prepping for their match, up next, against Love and Richards.
Velvet while attacking Love outside during the match

- Chris & Velvet Sky defeated Davey Richards & Angelina Love in a No Disqualification Mixed Tag Team Match at 15:54 when Chris pinned Richards with the Air Psycho after a low blow and a DDT on a steel chair by Velvet; during the brawl outside the ring, Velvet busted Love's mouth open after ramming her into the guardrail; after the match, Richards and Love attacked both Skies as they were celebrating their victory; Eddie Edwards makes the save but Lashley attacks Edwards until Velvet kicks Lashley between the legs, which allows the Skies and Edwards to clear the ring of the heels.
- Adam Cole comes out to cut a promo about how once he gets done with Kyle O'Reilly tonight, Bullet Club will once again control RTX. His words bring out the champion, and the two exchange heated words until Cole bitch slaps O'Reilly, who responds with a spear and the two brawl so the title match is up next.
- RTX Champion Kyle O'Reilly w/ Candice LeRae defeated Adam Cole w/ Amber Gallows to retain the title at 32:13 after three consecutive brainbusters; during the match, Cole used a steel chair on O'Reilly's bad shoulder outside the ring while Gallows distracted the referee; afterward, a brawl ensued between Gallows and LeRae, so the referee sent both of them backstage at around the 15-minute mark. 

RTX Live - 2.18.17:
- The show opens up with a video package showing what occurred at Lost Minds and the fallout from last week. As a result of the events last week, we will have an eight-Diva tag team match to open the show.
Sky hitting the DDT on Love during the match

- Candice LeRae, RTX Divas' Champion Madison Rayne and RTX Divas' Tag Team Champions Velvet Sky and Max Black defeated Amber Gallows, Angelina Love, Caroline Channing and Meagan Shelley in an 8-Diva Tag Team Match at 8:29 when Black pinned Love after a Tombstone Piledriver out of the corner; after the match, two new title matches were confirmed for Victory Road, those being Rayne vs. Love, and Sky & Black vs. Channing & Shelley.
- A short backstage interview with Chris Sky is shown, with Sky describing the history between he and Davey Richards dating all the way back to 2006 before RTX, and how at one time they were the best of friends. A clip is even shown of Richards turning on Eddie Edwards on Impact Wrestling recently. Sky says tonight he's not worried about getting the title back, he just wants to end Davey Richards and his "slut ass wife" permanently.
- RTX World Tag Team Champions Bear and Tiger defeated Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero to retain the titles at 16:29 after Bear spears Brother Nero; after the match, the Young Bucks attack Bear and Tiger with chairs until Caleb and Shandi make the save.
- Velvet Sky, Mandy Leon and Angelina Love are shown cutting interviews about the animosity amongst the RTX Divas and the title match which is later tonight, with Velvet saying she will be with Chris Sky, Leon with RTX World Champion Roderick Strong, and Love with Richards. Love closes the interview by saying, "Velvet, it's not personal, I'm just gonna prove to you that you're wrong because you took the side of a loser".
- Eddie Edwards defeated Lashley in a Chicago Death Match at 18:09 when Lashley didn't answer the count after missing a spear off the apron and shattering two tables on the floor; Edwards walked away after the match while Lashley was carried out.
- RTX World Champion Roderick Strong w/ Mandy Leon defeated Chris Sky w/ Velvet Sky, and Davey Richards w/ Angelina Love in a Triple Threat Chicago Street Fight at 26:11 by pinning Sky with the End of Heartache onto two steel chairs; prior to this match, the Japanese Death Match between Sky and Richards is announced for Victory Road.moments prior to the finish, Richards had Leon by the throat outside the ring; Velvet climbs up top to help Leon, but Love pushes Sky off the top through a table on the floor, just as Sky dove onto Richards; Sky checks on Velvet, but gets a knee to the side of the head as he comes back through the ropes, leading to the finish; after the match, Richards and Love beat down Sky, which Richards ultimately clobbering Sky with the ring bell repeatedly to close the show.
