RTX TV Update: January 24 and 28:

RTX Live (January 24 - taped January 22):
- New World Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian are out to brag about their title win recently. They don't have long to celebrate their victory before the Young Bucks challenge them to a rematch. Bear & Tiger come out stating they still have a title shot at the next PPV, and as well out come Team Xtreme saying since they were the ones pinned, they should get the first shot. Christian & Edge bail, and a Triple Threat No. 1 contenders match is made, with the winners getting a World Tag Team Championship match next week!
- Caroline Channing defeated Divas' Champion Madison Rayne in a Proving
Meagan & Caroline after Caroline's victory
Ground Match
: Caroline got the upset victory over Rayne with a facebuster after Meagan Shelley hit Max in the back of the head with the title belt while Caroline distracted the referee. Caroline now has a Divas' Championship match at Lost Minds on February 11.
- Shandi Essick (subbing for Chris Sky) & Shawn Michaels defeated Davey Richards & Mike Bennett in a Street Fight: In an ode to DX, Michaels and Shandi pick up the victory. Bennett mistakenly collides with Richards late in the match, allowing Michaels to hit Sweet Chin Music. Michaels dives onto Richards outside as Shandi drops Bennett with the Pedigree to win the match. After the match, Richards and Bennett attack Shandi and Michaels until Eddie Edwards runs them off and challenges his former friend Richards to a match next week!
Team Xtreme and Shandi
- The Young Bucks defeated Team Xtreme (w/Shandi) and Bear & Tiger to earn another Tag title shot next week: Edge and Christian are watching at ringside. As expected, mayhem ensued between the three teams. After several over-the-top dives, Chris Sky takes everybody, even Caleb, down with a Swan dive over the top. Opting to go after Matt Jackson, Sky throws the older Buck back in the ring and hits a Twist of Fate, followed by a Swanton. Edge and Christian distract the referee, and Davey Richards comes in and hits Sky with the World title belt, putting Matt on top of Sky and giving the Bucks the victory. After the match, Shandi delivered a Pedigree and a moonsault on Richards.

RTX Xtreme (January 28 - taped January 25):
- Eight-Diva Elimination Match: Caroline Channing, Meagan Shelley, Gail Kim and Amber Gallows defeated Candice LeRae and Beautiful People (Max,
Gail Kim survived the 8-Diva Tag
Madison and Velvet):
Max pinned Caroline after a falling powerbomb out of the corner. Max hit a Tombstone on Gail but Caroline dropped Max with trashcan lid while the ref was being distracted, allowing Meagan to pin Max. Meagan pinned Velvet with her feet on the ropes for leverage. Velvet lost it and hit Meagan with the loaded Beauty Purse, so Madison hits the Spear for the pin. Madison hits a Rayne Check on Gallows but Gail rolls up Madison out of nowhere for the surprise pinfall, leaving Candice in a 2-on-1 situation. Candice battled valiantly, eliminating Gallows with a German suplex before finally succumbing to the Eat Defeat by Kim.
- Adam Cole & Kenny Omega defeated RTX Champion Kyle O'Reilly and Jay Lethal: Cole already has a 3 Stages of Hell rematch at Lost Minds, so defeating O'Reilly (again) gives him more momentum than ever. After Omega breaks up a pin by O'Reilly on Cole, Lethal comes in with Lethal Injection on Omega. Cole responds with two superkicks and a Shining Wizard on Lethal, sending Lethal to the outside. Kyle tries a brainbuster but Cole reverses into a cradle for two. Cole superkicks O'Reilly in the back of the head, followed by the Last Shot to get the win for the Bullet Club.
- Eddie Edwards (with Alexxis Neveah) defeated Davey Richards (with Angelina Love): Love pulled the referee out of the ring after Edwards hit the Boston Knee Party on Richards. Neveah attacked Love and the two got into a huge catfight at ringside. Richards took advantage of the distraction with a low blow and the DR Driver on Edwards. Team Xtreme ran out and attacked Richards as revenge for last week, dropping Richards with the Twist of Fate/Swanton Bomb combo, leaving the ring as Edwards clamps the Achilles' lock on Richards, who passes out and gives Edwards the submission victory.
Team Xtreme before the cage lowered
- Steel Cage Match: Team Xtreme defeated Mike Bennett & Lashley: Richards came down late in the match, throwing a foreign object to Bennett through the bars of the cage, just moments after Sky missed a Swanton from the top of the cage. Caleb attacks Bennett and the back of Bennett's head smacks the bars of the cage, then turns into a huge Spear from Lashley that nearly turns Caleb inside out. A dazed Sky stands up and Lashley tries another Spear but Sky ducks and sends Lashley into the cage, followed by a reverse Twist of Fate. Sky goes back to the top of the cage for another Swanton, but decides to dive 15 feet down onto Richards instead. He climbs back up the cage, but takes a top rope Box Office Smash from Bennett. Caleb clobbers Bennett with the foreign object Richards threw in, and finally hits a Twist of Fate on Lashley for the pin.
Edge & Christian - Tag Champs
- World Tag Team Championship: Edge and Christian (c) defeated The Young Bucks: Bear and Tiger were watching at ringside for the duration of this match, and played a pivotal outcome in it. If the Bucks had won, Bear and Tiger very likely wouldn't have gotten their title match at Lost Minds. So after Matt and Nick hit More Bang For Your Buck on Edge, Bear and Tiger pull Nick out of the ring and slam him into the steps. Christian sneaks in and plants Matt with the Unprettier. Bear and Tiger attack Christian and well as Edge crawls over and pins Matt Jackson. Edge & Christian walk up the ramp celebrating as both the Bucks and Bear & Tiger look on. After Edge & Christian, the Bucks fight with Bear & Tiger but ultimately both Bucks and planted through tables by Bear & Tiger.
