Live Event 11-5-15

Charlotte, who managed to win the
Divas' title last night
My attire last night
As expected, last night's show was a success, with the first Divas' Champion being crowned. Charlotte vs. Rayne vs. Hailey vs. Shannon vs. Kailyn vs. Brooke. Charlotte eventually won the title. At the end all six divas battled in the ring, with Shannon delivering a Pedigree on Hailey towards the end of the match. Shannon posed to the crowd and Brooke came in with a facebuster on Shannon. Kailyn next came in to deliver the Widow's Peak on Brooke. When Kailyn turned around, Rayne dropped her with the neckbreaker on her knee. Charlotte took advantage with the sit-out Pedigree on Rayne and covered her to win the Divas' title. The main event between me and Caleb was also epic. I'm not reporting much because I have a  concussion from last night and I don't remember everything that happened, but it was Buried Alive between me and Caleb for the title. Caleb thought he had it won when Shannon came in and Pedigreed me onto the shovel near the gravesite. But Eddie ran out and hit Shannon with the shovel before dropping Caleb with a fisherman suplex. When Caleb got up and turned, I charged him with a spear, both of us tumbling back down onto the ramp. I grabbed Caleb by his neck and chokeslammed him into the grave and was able to bury him, retaining my title before celebrating with Eddie.
