RTX Fight Mania - Night 2 - 4/16/16

The results for Fight Mania Night 2 have just been taped!!! Here are the primary results:

Six-Divas' Elimination Match for the RTX Divas' Championship: Riot (c) vs. Danger vs. Rayne Sky vs. Kailyn vs. Brooke Wylde vs. Charlotte Muharsky:

Riot had won the title at the first night of the event. Now set to face six opponents, Riot opened up with a promo, stating "I am unbeatable, I am unbreakable, and I am the RIOT!!!! And tonight...all six of you girls are gonna learn that lesson the hard way". As it turned out the former champion, Charlotte, was the first one eliminated, as Riot used the bat to pin her. A wild melee ensued between the remaining Divas', resulting in Kailyn using the Widow's Peak to eliminate Brooke. Danger and Riot worked together, and Kailyn was eliminated. The referee decided she couldn't continue after Danger hit the Danger Drop from the apron through a table outside. Rayne looked to eliminate Riot but couldn't, as she too was demolished by Riot and Danger. After Riot powerbombed Rayne, she pinned her, leaving us with Danger vs. Riot. The stunning ending saw Riot twist out of the Danger Drop, turning it into a victory roll pin to retain her title.

Next segment saw Jay Lethal, out with Truth Martini, cutting a promo about how he planned to capture the World title tonight. Eddie Clark came out and said he would win the match. Eventually the two began to brawl, and Clark used a steel chair to lay out Lethal. Chris Sky ran out and attacked Eddie and helped Lethal to the back, turning face again.

Chris Hero upon making his RTX return

Open Challenge Match for the RTX Championship: Dalton Castle (c) vs. Chris Hero:

Dalton came out, and since he'd already defeated Roderick Strong the night before, he declared, "Who else is there back there in that locker room that thinks they can take this from me?". Chris Hero made his long-awaited return to RTX to a huge pop from the crowd and accepted the challenge. Hero had not wrestled in RTX since Cataclysm in April 2010, when he and Claudio Castignoli, as the Kings of Wrestling, were the RTX World Tag Team Champions. One incredible spot in the match saw Castle get stuck on the top rope during a running knee attempt, allowing Hero to smash him with the KTFO, sending Castle to the floor. Hero put Castle back in the ring and landed the Hero's Welcome for a close two. Hero was stunned but went outside and grabbed his loaded elbow pad. When he tried to elbow Castle, Castle reversed into the Bang-a-Rang. Hero kicked out and Castle became frustrated. Castle went up top. He tried for a cross body block but Hero elbowed him with the loaded elbow pad in mid-air. Hero got the cover and folks, we've got a new RTX Champion, the Knockout Kid, Chris Hero!

Chris Sky (with Danger and Riot) (c) vs. Jay Lethal (with Truth Martini) vs. Eddie Clark vs. a mystery
Hardy after the Twist of Fate on Lethal
opponent for the RTX World Championship in a Four Corners' Steel Cage Match:

The mystery opponent turned out to be the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy. Hardy had not made an appearance in RTX since the summer of 2010, when he and brother Matt lost the Tag Team Titles to Edge and Christian. Earlier in the show a double-turn had taken place, where Eddie Clark had turned heel and Chris Sky turned face again when he aided Lethal in an attack by Clark. This was truly one of the most remembered matches from the event. The defining moment of the match came when Lethal nailed Hail to the King from the top of the cage, onto Clark, driving him through a table. A Twist of Fate from Hardy on Lethal when Lethal stood. Hardy only gets a two count. Hardy climbed up top for the Swanton, but Lethal is trying to get up. Chris ran across the ring, sprung off of Lethal's back and took Hardy from the top with a hurricanrana. Chris hit the Sky Driller (sitout double arm piledriver) on Hardy but Lethal broke it up with Hail to the King. Chris stood and Lethal hit the Lethal Injection. Chris kicks out. Frustrated, Lethal responds with a superkick and a second Lethal Injection. This time it is enough to get the three count, and Jay Lethal is the new RTX World Heavyweight Champion!! Lethal shakes hands with Hardy and Chris as Eddie watches on disgustedly from outside the cage. It was a truly memorable moment, as Jay Lethal once again proved why he is the greatest wrestler in the world!
