Quick Results:

Guys, I know I haven't posted anything lately but I'm going through some personal issues lately so bear with me. I'm having a lazy day today and (since it will take me forever to describe in detail what happened) here are the quick results for the last four shows.

August 16 - RTX Xtreme:
- James Storm (c) defeated Mike Bennett to retain the RTX Hardcore Championship after the Last Call. After the match, Bennett attacked Storm until Chris Sky and, Storm's former tag partner Chris Harris (America's Most Wanted), ran out and attacked Bennett, leading to Storm and Harris hitting the Death Sentence on Bennett. After the match Harris and Storm shared a beer with Sky, possibly reforming AMW.
- Jay Lethal and Bear defeated The Young Bucks in an Immortality preview match when Bear speared Nick. Afterwards, Adam Cole tried to attack Lethal until Kyle O'Reilly made the save.
- Lethal Lockdown: No Remorse Corps (Eddie Edwards, Zack Ryder and Chris Sky) defeated Bullet Club (Kenny Omega, Adam Cole and Tiger) when Sky hit a snap neckbreaker on Omega.

August 20 - RTX Live:
- A tournament has been announced due to the Tag Titles being vacated again because of an ACL injury suffered by Davey Richards during his tour of Japan. Also tonight a new #1 contender to the World Title will be crowned.
- The Young Bucks defeated Jay Lethal & Kyle O'Reilly in a World Tag Team title tournament quarterfinal match after the Meltzer Driver.
- America's Most Wanted (Storm & Sky) defeated Dalton Castle & Chris Hero in a WTTC tournament quarterfinal match after the Death Sentence. After the match, Mike Bennett attacked Storm & Sky until Chris Harris made the save.
- Abyss defeated Bobby Lashley in a Hardcore Match to earn a World Championship Match at Immortality on September 16. After the match, Abyss and Chris Sky had a staredown.

August 23 - RTX Xtreme (taped 8.21):
The tag title tournament continues.
- The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas) defeated Roderick Strong & Austin Aries in a quarterfinal match after the Natural Disaster.
- The Broken Hardyz ("Broken" Matt and "Broken" Brother Nero) defeated Tiger & Kenny Omega in a quarterfinal match after Brother Nero pinned Omega.
- Chris Sky defeated Adam Cole in a Monster's Ball Match to prepare for Immortality after an Air Psycho on two steel chairs. After the match Abyss attacked Chris and chokeslammed him off the stage.

August 26 (taped 8.23):
The finals of the tag title tourney will be tonight.
- America's Most Wanted (Storm & Harris) defeated The Young Bucks in a semifinal match after the Death Sentence on Matt. After the match the Bucks attacked AMW until Lethal and O'Reilly made the save.
- The Naturals defeated the Hardyz in a semifinal match after Matt accidentally hit Brother Nero with a hammer. Brother Nero didn't seem bothered by it and both seemingly shrugged it off after the match.
- RTX Divas' Championship Match: Velvet Sky defeated Madison Rayne, Victoria Muharsky and Gail Kim (c) in a Fatal Four Way Match after the In Yo' Face on Rayne. After the match Kim snatched the title from the referee and appeared as if she and Sky would fight but Kim handed Sky the belt and walked away.
- The Naturals defeated America's Most Wanted (Storm/Harris) to win the vacant RTX World Tag Team Championship when Douglas pinned Storm after Stevens hit Storm with a title belt. After the match the Naturals continued to attack AMW until Chris Sky ran out. He tried to fight them off but they toppled him. Suddenly Bear ran out and speared both Naturals!! Bear and Sky, seemingly reunited, fought with the Naturals until the Hardyz ran out and attacked them for no good reason. The Hardyz posed with the Naturals as the show ended.


  1. Bạn đang có bệnh và mong muốn điều trị? Phòng khám phụ khoa Thiên Hòa chuyên chữa trị các phụ khoa bao gồm các bệnh viêm nhiễm phụ khoa, bệnh cổ tử cung, tử cung, bệnh buồng trứng và vô sinh hiếm muốn. Nếu có nhu câu thăm khám và điều trị bệnh. Hãy liên hệ ngay tới Phòng khám, các chuyên gia sẽ tư vấn và giải đáp mọi thông tin cụ thể.


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