RTX Immortality - Quick Results (9/16/16):

Angelina Love helped Velvet Sky retain her title
1. Velvet Sky (c) defeated Gail Kim, Madison Rayne and Angelina Love in a Four Corner Survival Match to retain the RTX Divas' Championship: Love and Sky worked together to eliminate Kim, mainly with Sky agitating Kim until Kim used a chair on her, allowing Love to kick the chair back into Kim's face to get the elimination. Rayne used her wits to cause a temporary miscalcuation amongst the Beautiful People and roll up Love to take her out of the match. Finally, Sky capitalized on Love's interference by using hairspray on Rayne and finally hitting the In Yo' Face and retaining the title.  
Candice LeRae won a Divas' title match
2. Candice LeRae defeated Amber Gallows in a #1 Contenders' Match to earn a future RTX Divas' Championship: Interference by Adam Cole nearly worked in Gallows' favor until Jay Lethal attacked Cole. Lethal, to add insult to injury for Bullet Club, laid out Gallows with Lethal Injection and allowed Candice to score a pin. The Divas' Tag Team Championship Match was also announced for 9th Anniversary Show on October 15.  
3. The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens) (c) defeated The Young Bucks and The Broken Hardyz (Broken Matt and Brother Nero) in a Triple Threat Match to retain the World Tag Titles: The Bucks appeared to have it won when they hit a Meltzer Driver on Matt Hardy. But Douglas hit Matt Jackson (YB) with one of the title belts. With Stevens down elsewhere, Brother Nero hit a Twist of Fate on Douglas. But Bear runs out and cracks Hardy's skull with a steel chair, giving the Naturals the win to retain the titles.
4. Sugar & Spice ("Sugar" Caroline Channing and "Spice" Max Black) won their debut match against Danger and Riot: Both teams will be part of the Divas' Tag Titles Match at the 9th Anniversary show. Riot hit a powerbomb on Caroline and tried to use her bat on Max but Max ducked and Riot hit Danger. Max dropped Riot with a Black Magic (sidewalk slam pickup into a faceplant) and pulled Caroline over onto Riot for the victory. After the match Danger planted Riot through a table with the Danger Drop.
5. Bear defeated Jay Lethal (c), Adam Cole and Shandi Essick in a Fatal Four Way Match to win the RTX Championship: All Bullet Club or No Remorse Corps interference was banned for this match. The ending was amazing. With Cole and Shandi battling through the crowd, Lethal went for Lethal Injection on Bear but Bear was able to superman punch Lethal in the back of the head on the rebound. Bear hits a devastating spear out of the corner and pins Lethal to reclaim the title he lost at Cold Day In Hell.
6. Eddie Edwards comes out and cuts a promo, stating that Davey Richards is coming back from his concussion. Eddie says that he and Davey are coming after whomever the Tag Team Champions may be after Ladder War at the 9th Anniversary Show. (P.S.: In case you don't know, that's The Naturals vs. America's Most Wanted vs. The Broken Hardyz vs. Chris Sky & Hiroshi Tanahashi.
7. Chris Sky (c) defeated Abyss in a Monster's Ball Match to retain the RTX World Championship: It was one of the most brutal matches in recent memory,
Chris Sky's career was nearly ended in this match
as well as a Match of the Year Candidate. Fans thought Chris may have been dead after Abyss Chokeslammed him from the top of the entrance set. Amazingly, Chris was able to recover!! With both men bleeding, Chris came back to land a sickening Swanton Bomb on the steel steps outside. When Abyss tried to come back in the ring, Chris smacked him in the side of the head with the title belt. Chris went for the Tombstone but Abyss countrered into a Chokeslam. Attempted Black Hole Slam by Abyss on broken glass but Shandi Essick runs in and Pedigrees Abyss on the glass. It barely fazes the big monster, but he can't avoid a Yakuza Kick by Chris. Chris hits Abyss with a barbed-wire steel chair and finally performs a Swanton on the monster, who was trapped in between two barbed wire boards, to retain the title in an EPIC match!


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