TV Tapings (November 15 - 26):

The next three TV shows have been taped: November 15 RTX Xtreme show taped November 14, November 19's RTX Live taped November 16, the 11.22 episode of Xtreme taped November 18.

RTX Xtreme - November 15:
- Chris Sky comes out to cut a promo and says he can't wait to find out who his next opponent will be. Kevin Owens comes out and says that this situation is far from over. Eddie Edwards also comes out to pretty much say the same thing, and it appears as if we may have a rematch from Over the Limit. However, Chris says that if Owens or Edwards wants another title shot, they will have to win the 10-person battle royal tonight.
Shandi is now the #1 Contender to the World title
- Proving Ground Match: Kyle O'Reilly defeats Bear to earn a future World title shot: Solid match here that saw O'Reilly kick out of two spears by Bear. Somehow, Kyle managed to reverse the Superman punch and hit Bear with a brainbuster but Bear kicks out. Later on as Bear attempts a third spear, O'Reilly surprises him with a cradle and gets the 3 count! Bear says O'Reilly can have his title match at TLC on December 9.
- Candice LeRae (Divas' Champ), and Max Black & Caroline Channing (Divas' Tag Team Champs) defeated Velvet Sky, Angelina Love & Gail Kim (Amber Gallows injured) to retain all the gold: Sky hits the In Yo' Face on Candice but Caroline comes out of nowhere and facebusters Sky, giving Candice the pin.
- 10-Person Battle Royal to determine the No. 1 Contender to the RTX World title at TLC (final two combatants left go until there is a pin): Shandi Essick outlasts Eddie Edwards, Roderick Strong, Chase Stevens, Andy Douglas, Kevin Owens, Austin Aries, James Storm, Adam Cole and Kenny Omega: Chris watches at ringside. After eight of the combatants were eliminated, it was down to Shandi and Edwards. Edwards blocks the Pedigree on two different occasions and hits the Die Hard on Shandey. Ultimately, Shandi blocks the Boston Knee Party and hits the backflip Shan-End on Edwards, rolling him up to get the title shot. After the match, Chris congratulates his cousin and holds her hand up in victory.

RTX Live - November 19:
- Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) defeated Tetsuya Naito in a Ladder Match to retain the RTX Hardcore Championship: Tanahashi grabs the title after High Fly Flow from a ladder through a table outside the ring. After the match Naito and NJPW partner Evil attack Tanahashi, punctuating the attack with Destino off the apron through a ladder.
- Kevin Owens comes out with Adam Cole and says he wants one more chance to prove himself in RTX. He calls out Chris Sky, challenging him to a tag match. Sky accepts, but says they won't know who his partner is until the match itself. Sky also adds, "And no, it won't be who you think it will be".
- Becky Lynch & Noah Earnest (with Bear & Chris Sky) defeated Angelina Love & Eddie Edwards: A tag team match spurring over from previous weeks, the biggest issues here being between Noah & Edwards. Lynch and Love take each other to the ground as Edwards Die Hards Noah. As Edwards goes for the foot stomp, Sky and Bear provide a distraction, giving Noah the chance to revive. Eddie jumps but gets superkicked by Noah in mid air. Noah follows with a springboard tornado DDT (Noahlyzer) for the pin.
- Chris Sky & Sting defeated Kevin Owens & Adam Cole: Sting surprised the
Sting during his surprise return entrance
RTX Universe by returning to RTX as Chris's partner, donned in his NWO Wolfpac attire. Towards the end, Sting and Sky hit a simultaenous Stinger Splash/ Poetry in Motion on Cole and Owens. The next time Sting attempted his splash in the corner, Cole managed to superkick him in mid air. Cole lifted Sting up as Owens and Sky brawled outside and hit the Last Shot. When Sting kicked out, Cole hit the referee and knocked him out. Kevin Nash (version see photo) then returned and performed a Jackknife Powerbomb on Cole!! It gave Sting the opportunity to cover Cole but Cole kicked out! Sting finally hits the Scorpion Deathdrop on Cole and Sky hits Air Psycho. Sting covers for the victory and he and Sky and Nash celebrate.
Nash returning to RTX

RTX Xtreme - November 22:
 - Chris Sky defeated Eddie Edwards: If Chris wins, Sting and Nash get Tag Title shot, if Edwards wins, he and Davey Richards get title shot: At one point in the match, Edwards tried to powerbomb Sky through the commentators' table. Sky reversed into a DDT through the table. Sky then hits the Killswitch on the floor and rolls Edwards back in. Edwards, though busted open, tries to mount a comeback with the Die Hard. He can't capitalize so Sky reverses into another Killswitch to get Nash and Sting the title shot.
- Max Black & Caroline Channing defeated Velvet Sky & Angelina Love and Gail Kim & Amber Gallows in a Falls Count Anywhere Match to retain the Divas' Tag Team Championship: Fast paced action here recently in the Divas' division. This match saw Gail Kim do a Diamond Cutter style move off a ladder on Max. One spot even saw Gallows suplex Sky off the top through a table outside. This left Caroline and Love. After blocking an attempt at the Botox Injection, Caroline hits the Bombshell Blowout facebuster and pins Love to retain the titles.
- Bear & Kyle O'Reilly's contract signing for TLC: Before signing the contract, Bear adds the stipulation that it will be a Tables Match, which O'Reilly is not used to being in. However, after heated words and tensions rising, O'Reilly signs the contract and says he will take the RTX Championship from Bear. The segment finishes with O'Reilly and Bear having a staredown.
Sting and Nash coming to the ring for the title match
- The Wolfpac (Kevin Nash & Sting) defeated America's Most Wanted to win the RTX World Tag Team Championship: Nash and Sting gained a Tag Team Championship match against AMW with Sky's victory over Edwards earlier in the night. As you'd probably guess with AMW, this one became out of control in the last few minutes. Shockingly the ref went down after accidentally being sandwiched by Nash in the corner. Storm superkicked Nash and grabbed a beer bottle. As Storm tried to hit Nash with it, Sting performed a dropkick that sent Storm to the floor. Harris picked up the beer bottle but Nash managed to reverse and hit Harris with it. Sting climbed up top and dove onto Storm outside the ring as Nash delivered the Jackknife Powerbomb on Harris back in the ring. Sting managed to revive the referee and the ref counted Nash's pin on Harris, and we have NEW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: KEVIN NASH AND STING!! The final shot for fans of the episode were Nash and Sting on the ramp, holding the belts high.
