RTX Live and Xtreme - 12/3 and 12/6:

RTX Live: December 3, 2016:
A huge main event is announced for tonight: Chris Sky takes on former love Eddie Edwards in a Hardcore Ultimate Revenge Match. Max and Caroline get a shot at the Divas' Championship match, and more!
- RTX Divas' Championship: Candice LeRae (c) defeated Max Black and Caroline Channing: Max and Caroline had been such "great friends to Candice" lately that Candice decided to reward them both with a Divas' Championship match. At the end LeRae went to the outside, leaving Max and Caroline to slug it out back in the ring. Caroline got the better of the exchange and dropped Max with a faceplant that she transitioned into a modified arm back. Max made it to the ropes and fought back with Black Magic on Caroline. When Max went to pin Caroline, Candice came out of nowhere and lifted Max up with a German suplex, bridging into a pin to retain her title.
- A cameraman going through the backstage area finds Chris Sky in the dressing room talking to Roderick Strong. When Sky sees the camera he pushes the cameraman out of the room and slams the door.
Kevin Owens called out Tiger for a match at TLC
- Next is Sting and Nash vs. The Young Bucks in a non-title match. Or so we thought. Kevin Owens comes out, and to everyone's surprise, calls out Tiger. Tiger had been at home nursing an injury to his ankle for several weeks. Owens says that it's time that Tiger "grows a pair, and gets in the ring with a real man", and challenges him to a chairs match at TLC. Later in the night it is confirmed that Tiger has accepted the match via email, and he will be at TLC this Friday night.
Sky after his brutal victory over Edwards
- Non-title match: The Young Bucks upset Tag Champs Sting and Kevin Nash: This one caught everyone by surprise. Amazingly the Bucks do not get a three count out of More Bang For Your Buck on Sting. After a double superkick on Nash, sending the big man to the outside, The Bucks hit the Meltzer Driver on Sting to get the upset victory. After the match, America's Most Wanted attack both teams, and they are added to the Tag Title Ladder Match at TLC.
- Hardcore Ultimate Revenge Match: Chris Sky defeated Eddie Edwards: A very brutal contest that saw kendo sticks, coils of barbed wire, a baseball bats, and several trashcans used. During the match, Shandi Essick turned on Chris and performed a Pedigree to him on a steel chair. Edwards managed to cover Chris but he kicked out! To everyone's surprise (okay, maybe not everyone's), Roderick Strong hit the ring and attacked Shandey before Sick Kicking Edwards and helping Chris to his feet. Chris hits a Killswitch onto the steel steps and pins the fallen Edwards.

RTX Xtreme - 12/6:
An epic 10-man tag is announced for the main event: Chris Sky, Bear and Tiger reunite for the first time in over a year, as they team with Roderick Strong and the returning Dean Ambrose to take on Shandi Essick, Adam Cole (replacing Kyle O'Reilly, who no-showed), Kevin Owens, AJ Styles and Eddie Edwards.
- RTX Divas' Tag Team Championship Match: Max Black & Caroline Channing defeated Becky Lynch & Paige: Four friends put on a great show, even shaking hands with each other before the bell rang. In the end, all four women were in the ring. Max hit a Fade to Black (tombstone) on Lynch and Paige performed the RamPaige on Max. Caroline kicks Paige and hits the Bombshell Blowout facebuster for the three count to retain.
- Danger def. Riot in both women's final match: After losing at Over the Limit, Danger blocked almost every attempt at Riot's powerbomb, ultimately turning the fourth attempt into the Danger Drop and gaining the pinfall victory. After the match, Danger and Riot shook hands and embraced before posing to the crowd and running a victory lap around the ring.
Ambrose pins Owens after the Dirty Deeds
- 10-Person Tag Team Match: The No Remorse Corps (Bear, Chris Sky, Dean Ambrose, Roderick Strong and Tiger) defeated Mount Rushmore 3.0 (Adam Cole, AJ Styles, Eddie Edwards, Kevin Owens and Shandi Essick): Great match that saw both Ambrose and Styles making their returns to RTX, spurring over from their WWE rivalry. During this match, ladders, tables and chairs were brought out. At one point, Sky dove from the top of a ladder in the ring, taking out all the other combatants outside. Ambrose and Owens are the first ones to their feet and they hammer each other back in the ring. Soon a loud boom is heard and Edwards is almost tossed through the steel steps by Bear. Back in the ring Owens dodges the Dirty Deeds and low-blows Ambrose. Owens then performs the pop-up powerbomb on Ambrose but when he turns Sky slams his head in with a steel chair. Sky then somersaults outside onto Styles, who is trying to come in. Ambrose lays the chair down and hits the Dirty Deeds to Owens onto the chair and pins him to get the victory for the NRC. After the match, the NRC handcuffs Styles' teammates to the ring posts and throws Styles into the ring where Ambrose is waiting. When Styles tries to leave, Tiger, Sky, Bear and Strong block his path. Styles is ultimately planted through the commentators' table by Ambrose's Dirty Deeds. Ambrose then poses with his teammates and they stand over Styles.
