RTX Live Event - January 29, 2017:

Some of the matches from last night's live event were taped for future TV episodes. Tonight features Edge & Christian, Chris Sky, Kyle O'Reilly, and Velvet Sky & Max Black putting their titles on the line.

RTX Divas' Tag Team Championship:
Velvet Sky & Max Black vs. Meagan Shelley & Taeler Hendrix:
It appears as if new Tag Team champs are crowned after Jessika Havok comes in and delivered the Beautiful Disaster on Max, but Mandy Leon comes out and tells the referee what happened. The referee believes her, Havok is ejected from ringside and the match continues. Taeler, in frustration, grabs a chair from ringside and stands up on the apron with it. Max reverses and sends Meagan back-first into the chair, knocking Taeler off the apron. Sky and Max drop Meagan with a double faceplant, followed by the Black Magic/Beauty-T combo to put Meagan and keep the gold for the Beautiful People.

Madison Rayne & Candice LeRae vs. Mickie James & Gail Kim:
Madison as Divas' Champ
Great match here that saw all four women give it their all, despite attempted interference by Caroline Channing. After Rayne hits a spear on James, Caroline jumped up on the apron and distracted her. Candice grabbed Caroline's ankle and yanked her off the apron. Candice fought with Caroline until Gail hit Candice from behind and knocked her to the floor. James tried to rollup Madison but Madison kicked out. Gail came in but Madison blocked a charge from James and James collided with Kim, knocking Kim back outside. Rayne hits the Rayne Check on James and covers to get the win.

World Tag Team Championship:
Edge & Christian (c) defeated Bear & Tiger:
 Bear and Tiger completely dominated this match against the champions. At the end, Christian and Edge tried to leave but Team Xtreme chased them back to the ring, where Bear superman punched Christian. Bear turned into the Edgecution from Edge. Tiger grabbed Edge from behind and dropped him with the reverse suplex but before Tiger could pin Edge, the Young Bucks hit Tiger with a double superkick and ran from ringside. Turn about fair play, I have to admit, because of last night. As Bear and Christian fought outside, Edge hits the Spear on Tiger back in the ring and pins him to retain the titles. After the match, the Bucks and Bear & Tiger brawl once again but this time the Bucks put down their adversaries with a little help from Adam Cole and a couple of steel chairs.

Eddie Edwards & Shawn Michaels defeated Mike Bennett & Lashley:
Edwards about to dive on Lashley
Yet again, a team that no one in the RTX Universe ever thought they'd see, Michaels and Edwards. But they meshed surprisingly well, taking out Lashley early on and focusing their attention on Bennett. Maria ran down to ringside at one point but was stopped by Shandi Essick. This accidentally caused a distraction allowing Bennett to hit a TKO on Michaels. As Bennett lays over Michaels for the pin, Edwards foot-stomps his back. After landing the foot stomp, Edwards immediately dives through the ropes and takes out Lashley on the outside. Meanwhile, Shawn hits the Sweet Chin Music on Bennett back in the ring and pins him.

RTX Championship Winner Take All Tag Match:
Kyle O'Reilly (c) & Jay Lethal defeated Adam Cole & Kenny Omega:
The rules of this match were simple, the man who scored the pinfall or submission would be the RTX Champion, tornado style. At one point, Lethal tried for Lethal Injection on Omega but Omega pulled the champion in the way and O'Reilly took the move instead. Omega kicked Lethal to the floor and tried to pin Kyle but Cole pulled him off. Cole and Omega argued over who would pin O'Reilly until Lethal double clotheslined them. Lethal superkicked Cole to the floor but got a One-Winged Angel from Omega. When Omega turned, Kyle knocked him out with a jumping knee to the face. Kyle clamped on the cross armbreaker, and Omega had no choice but to submit, allowing O'Reilly to retain his title.

RTX World Championship:
Chris Sky (w/Max Black) (c) defeated Davey Richards (w/Angelina Love):
Sky waiting on Richards during his entrance
At one point, Love threw Sky off the top rope as the latter attempted the Swanton, allowing Richards to capitalize with the DR Driver. However, Max and Angelina began fighting, and Max threw Angelina into the ringpost. This distracted Richards momentarily, allowing Chris to recover and get a reverse Twist of Fate on Richards. This time the Swanton hit on Richards. As Sky tried to pin Richards, the loud smack of steel hitting flesh could be heard, as Angelina hit Max with a chair. Chris brought Love into the ring and hit her with a Twist of Fate. As the ref was rolling her out, Richards hit Sky with the title belt in the back of the head. When Sky kicked out, Richards became frustrated. Richards put the ankle lock on Sky. Richards thought Sky was going to tap, but Sky reversed the ankle lock into a victory roll and grabbed the middle rope for leverage to retain his title.

After the event, Sky attacked Richards and Love in the parking lot. Sky piledrived Richards on the concrete three times, and followed by putting Love's head in the car door and dropkicking the door into her head.
