RTX Fall From Grace 2015

If you want to know what Eddie looks
like, picture Eddie Edwards with a blonde
The look on my face when I attacked Caleb
during this match
Sunday night was RTX Fall From Grace, and the main event was a Street Fight between Caleb and Eddie Clark, my boyfriend. This was Eddie's first match since his head was slammed through a car window back at Cold Day In Hell in August. I wanted to come out with Eddie but the doctors did not want me to wrestle because of the concussion I suffered in the Buried Alive match last Thursday. Of course Shannon came out with Caleb, carrying a steel chair in her hand. Shannon was warned that if she interfered at all, she'd be fired, but being the dumb shit that she is, she decided to interfere anyway late in the match. Eddie knocked Caleb out of the ring towards the end of the match and landed a dive off the top, knocking Caleb into the commentators' table. Eddie stripped the table and laid Caleb on it. Eddie grabbed a ladder (both him and I love using ladders, I know it's weird) and tried to climb it, but Shannon grabbed his ankle, allowing Caleb to grab Eddie and powerbomb him through the table. Both Caleb and Shannon grabbed chairs and tossed Eddie back into the ring. I was watching closely backstage in the medical area (see left for attire), hoping nothing really bad would happen to Eddie. My heart started to race as I realized what they were about to do, so not listening to the doctors' pleas, I charged from the medical area and to the ring. Caleb and Shannon were about to give Eddie a con-chair-to. I slid under the bottom rope, narrowly avoiding a chair shot from Caleb before hitting them both with a Spear. I then hit Caleb with my Sky-Driller (see gif on the right). Shannon tried to attack me with the pipe wrench but I blocked it and tossed Shannon over the top, and she landed on a table, which amazingly didn't break. It allowed me to climb up top, and dive onto Shannon with my Air Psycho, snapping the table in two. Quickly I got back in the ring and picked up the chair. Caleb was begging off, leaning against the bottom rope. I stared at him coldly (see left). He knew I was about to smash his head in, but I saw Eddie was up. I handed Eddie the chair and Eddie flattened Caleb's head with a devastating chairshot that left Caleb split open. Eddie then set up another table and smashed Caleb into it with his fisherman buster and getting the three count. Eddie and I walked up the ramp way, hand in hand, celebrating the revenge we just got on them.
A variation of the move I hit on

To hear the theme song for Fall From Grace, click on this link:

"Wide Awake" by 32 Leaves


  1. The link isn't working.....just copy and paste it to hear the song

  2. This Thursday, I'll risk my health and try to compete, but it's a match I've waited to have for months: it'll be me and Eddie vs. Caleb and Shannon. If it's as EPIC as I think it'll be, it'll be one of RTX's best matches ever!!


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