Live Event 11-12-2015

Eddie during our match
Me after Caleb avoided the Air Psycho
Last night of course was the Ultimate Revenge Match between me & Eddie vs. Caleb and Shannon. An Ultimate Revenge match is pretty much the same thing as a No Holds Barred Match, but with a different name. It didn't last all that long either, but it's shocking ending make it unforgettable. Eddie seemed to be anxious to get his hands on Caleb before the match even started, even going so far as to dive onto Caleb before he and Shannon could even get in the ring. I followed my boyfriend's hint, climbing onto the top rope and executing a somersault onto them. Eddie and I grabbed Caleb and Shannon and threw them back into the ring. Not long into the match I started to feel some side effects of the concussion from the Buried Alive match. Eddie knew I was feeling like shit so he let me tag out and get a break. He was somehow able to take out Caleb and Shannon simultaneously with a double suplex. While I tried to get my head straight Eddie wasted no time in hitting his Fisherman Buster. He only got a two count because Shannon grabbed him and hit a Twist of Fate. Knowing I wasn't making the right choice I came in anyway and speared Shannon outside. Then I tried the Air Psycho on an incapacitated Caleb but he moved and I slammed off the mat. I tried to get to my feet but I stumbled and fell out in the corner, my head killing me. Caleb grabbed me for the Twist of Fate but Shannon grabbed a steel chair and slammed Caleb with it. Not able to stand I just fell onto Caleb and got the three count. I just laid there for minutes before Eddie finally picked me up and carried me backstage.
