Live Event 11-26-15

Me coming to the ring for my title match

Last night I finally made my return to XWC. I know it's a little early but I couldn't take being away from wrestling anymore. Oddly enough my first match back since I took time off was an RTX World title defense against.......dun dun dun......Caleb (shocker). He was told ahead of time that he would not get another shot at the belt if he was to lose this match. To my shock a cage lowered around the ring. I was never told about this being a cage match!! This definitely seemed to favor Caleb. In his first attempt to escape the cage, I was able to pull him down and trap him between the ropes and the cage. I then performed a cross body block, jamming Caleb against the cage. I tried to crawl out the door, but Caleb grabbed my ankle, but I responded with a spinning mule kick. Caleb stumbled back and bounced off the ropes, allowing me to hit him with a Sick Kick from the far side for a 2 count. I took him down with the Rampage DDT and tried to crawl over the top of the cage, but (like a Hardy wannabe would do) stopped and looked down at Caleb. I stood up and flashed up my handsign before jumping off with the Air Psycho, falling nearly 20 feet before Caleb moved and I slammed off the mat, almost knocking myself out cold. Caleb did manage to get over the top of the cage this time, but I opened the door and caught him as he was coming down. I was able to turn this into a sitout spinebuster back in the ring. I was then able to connect with Air Psycho off the top rope, but again he kicked out. Again Caleb tried to climb through the door, but Shandi came out and slammed the door on his head. I got an arm on Caleb but he kicked out. Caleb went for the Twist of Fate but I shoved him into an exposed steel turnbuckle. I hit a Twist of Fate of my own. When he stood I hit another Twist of Fate. He didn't go down, so I hit a third. Again he stumbled around, so I hit him with a handspring cutter off the ropes. I climbed back to the top, not giving a rat's ass as I dove off with the Air Psycho again, slamming right into Caleb and staying down for moments before I finally was able to pin him. Afterward Eddie placed Caleb on the commentators' table. Again I flew off the top of the cage, this time with a splash, driving Caleb through the table. Shandi decided she wanted to get her shot in as she delivered a Shanbuster to Caleb on the exposed concrete.
