Live Event 12-7-15

Attempting the Swanton on Aidan, which I missed
Last night's main event I was not comfortable with because I had to fight my own boyfriend. I teamed with Dawson (Dalton) Castle against The Gunz (Aidan Shelley and Christian Sabin), Beer Money 2 (Storm and Robby Rude), and the Tag Team Champions, The Wolves (Eddie and Haven Richards) in a title match. Dawson and I thought we had it won when Dawson hit a straitjacket German suplex on Aidan, who then avoided my Air Psycho. Aidan superkicked Dawson, who went outside. Christian came in and he and Aidan tried for the Skull and Bones (neckbreaker/diving cross body combo) on me but Robby threw Aidan to the floor. Robby came in with a spear on Christian, then he and Storm connected with the Power-Plex. Storm tried a pin but Haven came in and broke it up. Haven and Eddie capitalized with the foot stomps in succession on Storm. Eddie tried a pin but Dawson came in and stopped him, connecting with the Bang-a-Rang (spinning sitout fireman's carry facebuster) for a close two count. This time I connected with the Air Psycho on Eddie (regretfully, though, I might add). Again Dawson and I tried to win the belts, but Eddie kicked out again. We were frustrated, and began looking at each other in sheer amazement. As we stared at each other, Haven sneaked up behind Dawson and knocked him into me. I flew to the outside and Haven rolled up Dawson from behind for another two. Dawson tried a tombstone but Haven countered into a tombstone of his own. Eddie got up, and they connected with a tombstone/superkick combo on Dawson and pinned him to retain their titles.


  1. Tomorrow night will be a 3-person tag match with the World Title and Tag Titles on the line, as I team with Eddie and Haven against Caleb and Beer Money 2. The person who makes the pin will be the world champion, unless anyone on our team makes the pin then we retain all our titles.


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