RTX Fight Mania - Night 1 - 4/15/16

Night 1 of Fight Mania was taped last night.
The major matches listed were:

Charlotte Muharsky (c) vs. Riot for the RTX Divas Championship:

Riot won the title shot on April 9 when she and Chris Sky defeated Charlotte and Eddie Clark. Riot also had an advantage on her side that Charlotte was unaware of. Charlotte mistakenly threw Riot into the referee. When Riot turned Charlotte planted her with the In Yo' Face! Suddenly Danger ran in and planted Charlotte with the Danger Drop. Danger pulled Riot over on top of Charlotte and the referee managed to come to and count it, giving us a new Divas' Champion.

Dalton Castle (c) vs. Roderick Strong for the RTX Championship:

Strong made the challenge to Castle during Night two of The Second City Showdown. Castle accepted. The following week on RTX Xtreme, Castle attacked Strong after the latter defeated Rhyno, putting him down on the floor with the Bang-a-Rang. The move seemed to injure Strong and give Castle an early advantage. Strong's equilibrium was affected, not allowing him to lift Castle up for the End of Heartache. Castle capitalized with Bang-a-Rang to retain the title.

Me preparing for Air Psycho
during the match

Chris Sky (with Danger and Riot) (c) vs. Jay Lethal vs. Eddie Clark for the RTX World Heavyweight Championship in a No Holds Barred Match:

Riot and Danger distracted the referee and Eddie on numerous occasions during the match, at one point almost allowing Lethal to capture the gold after Lethal Injection to Eddie on a steel chair. Chris was able to break this up and throw Lethal out to the floor. After a intense struggle between Chris and Eddie, Eddie was powerbombed through a table in the corner. Chris went to the top rope and flew off with Air Psycho onto his prone ex boyfriend, immediately crying out in agony and holding his ribs which had been injured by Eddie on the previous episode of RTX Xtreme. Lethal took advantage of Chris's injury with the Lethal Combination for two. When Chris got up, Lethal tried for the Lethal Injection on Chris but got superkicked in the back of the head when he sprung back toward Chris. Chris hit the Killswitch to Lethal on a chair after the superkick and pinned him to retain the title. 


  1. Night 2 (which will air April 16) will be taped tonight.

  2. SPOILER: Tonight I will turn face again by aiding Jay Lethal, as he is planned to be attacked by Tiger. There will be a double turn as Eddie will later attack Lethal and I.


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