RTX Live - April 19, 2016

Entrance for the tag match
There were two main events featured on Tuesday night's card. The first was a tag team match, as I teamed with Jay Lethal, accompanied by Truth Martini, to take on Eddie Clark and Tiger. It really didn't take long for things to get outta hand. In fact, only mere minutes after the opening bell, I jumped off the top of a ladder at ringside onto all three other men, inadvertently taking out my own partner. Once we got back in the ring all four of us began to fight. At one point I did manage to land Air Psycho on Clark but Tiger broke it up. Tiger tried to throw me outside but I caught myself on the apron. We battled on the apron, where Tiger tried his reverse suplex on the apron. I reversed into a lifting backbreaker on the apron. Clark seized advantage of the referee's attention being deterred and hit Jay with a chair. I came back up on the apron and hit Clark on the back with the Book of Truth. Jay capitalized with Lethal Injection on Clark and pinned him. Afterward Clark and Tiger attacked me and Jay. That's when my real everything, Eddie Edwards, ran down and attacked Clark and Tiger and chased them away. He lifted me up and kissed me passionately. Clark was stunned, stating that he loved me more but I turned on him. Edwards responded by challenging Clark to a "Til' Death Do Us Part" Match at Night 1 of RTX Totality. The second main event was a RTX Championship Triple Threat Match, as new champion, Chris Hero, defended against Roderick Strong and Dalton Castle. Once the action spilled outside, Castle slammed Hero into the steps and threw Strong back in the ring. When Strong got control of Castle, Rhyno ran down and attacked Chris Hero, goring him through the barricade. Rhyno got up on the apron and Roddy knocked him down. Castle grabbed Roddy from behind and delivered a bridging German suplex that's good for a two count. Castle became frustrated and picked up Strong for the Bang-a-Rang, but Roddy managed to reverse into a sunset flip for two. Roddy immediately capitalized with the Sick Kick on Castle, and with Hero out, Roddy pinned Castle to become a three-time RTX Champion! Hero, when he managed to recover, challenged Rhyno to a Street Fight at Totality.
