RTX Totality - Night 1

Night 1 of Totality was taped on April 20. Again, only the major matches have been recorded.

The show opened up with a ten-bell salute for Chyna, who had been found dead earlier that day. A promo was then shown with several of the superstars talking about Chyna and the influence she had on them.

Steel Cage for the RTX Divas' Championship
Riot (c) defeated Charlotte Muharsky:
A rematch from Fight Mania, this time inside a cage to prevent further interference from Danger and Victoria. Surprisingly, Charlotte kept the advantage for most of the match. She even managed to make Riot bleed by ramming her numerous times into the cage. Charlotte jumped off the top rope at one point but got caught by a Riot powerbomb. Riot tried to escape through the door but Victoria ran out and slammed the door on her head. Charlotte tried to escape over the top but Riot caught her and powerbombed her off the top rope. Riot then pinned Charlotte, as Victoria watched on in disbelief, to retain her title.

RTX Hardcore Championship
Tiger (c) defeated Jeff Hardy:
This was Tiger's first title defense since winning the vacated Hardcore Championship back at Fight Mania by defeating Rhyno. Jeff Hardy was his first challenger. As you'd expect, Hardy brought out a ladder and repeatedly used it on Tiger, at one point even dropping Tiger into it with a Twist of Fate for a two count. At another incredible point, Tiger reverse suplexed Hardy from one announcers' table through the other. Hardy recovered from this and tried the Whisper in the Wind later on. Tiger grabbed Hardy on the top rope and landed a reverse suplex from the top, breaking four chairs in the middle of the ring. Tiger covered Hardy to retain his title.

RTX Championship:
Roderick Strong (c) defeated Dalton Castle:
Similar to their encounter at Fight Mania, it was a fast-paced back-and-forth match that saw Castle hold the advantage for much of it. Castle even hit Bang-a-Rang at one point but Strong kicked out of it. Later on the Boys tried to interfere but Roddy fought them allowing Castle to roll Roddy up for another two count. Castle stood just to get a jumping knee from Roddy. Roddy then capitalized with the End of Heartache for the pin to retain the title.

Til' Death Do Us Part Match
Eddie Edwards defeated Eddie Clark:
The winner of this match would have the right to be with Chris Sky. Both had been arguing over who loved Chris more, now they both had the chance to prove it. The end to this bout surprised nobody. When the referee went down after a collision with Edwards, Clark took advantage by low-blowing Edwards and hitting him with a steel chair. Later on, with the ref still down, Edwards superplexed Clark off the top. Suddenly, Chris appeared on the adjacent rope, and flew off with the Air Psycho on Clark, allowing Edwards to crawl over and pin Clark. Afterward, Chris and Edwards revealed that the whole thing had been a plan.

My attire for the match with Jay
45-Minute Ironman Match for the RTX World Championship
Jay Lethal (c) defeated Chris Sky 4 pins to 3:
Lethal after retaining the title
The two shook hands before the match. The match itself was one of the all-time greatest in the history of RTX. The advantage switched back and forth between Lethal and Sky until Chris got the first pin at a little over fifteen and a half minutes with a bridging German suplex. Lethal got the next pin at just over the twenty minute mark with Lethal Injection. A near-collision with the referee resulted in Lethal getting the third pin as well at the twenty-seven minute mark by reversing a O'Connor Roll. After a Killswitch and an Air Psycho, Chris got the fourth pin of the match at thirty two minutes. During the fifth fall Chris delivered Poetry in Motion off the steel steps, driving he and Lethal over the barrier into the front row. Chris got back in the ring only to be hit with the Lethal Combination by Lethal, giving Lethal the fifth pin of the match. After a superkick and a Pedigree, Chris evens the match 3-3 at the forty-three minute mark. Shortly after the seventh fall began, Chris laid Lethal on the steel steps outside and climbed to the top rope. Chris attempted the Air Psycho, but Lethal moved and Chris slammed hard off the steel steps. Lethal put Chris back in the ring and connected with Lethal Injection to get the final pin of the match at 44:50. The time limit expired and Lethal retained the title in a Match of the Year Candidate. After the match Lethal helped Chris to his feet and the two shook hands and embraced.
