RTX Totality - Night 2

Night 2 of Totality was just recorded. Night 2 of Totality saw the feud between me and my ex, Eddie Clark, finally come to an unbelievable end. Part of it has to do with the fact that Clark's RTX contract is expiring at the end of this match. Only the four main matches on the card are mentioned.

Street Fight:
Chris Hero defeated Rhyno
Hero had been screwed out of the RTX Championship by Rhyno on the previous episode of RTX Live. Even going so far as to have Claudio Castignoli return to RTX and aid him on Night 1 of Totality, Hero showed how much he wanted revenge. At one point, Rhyno managed to hit a piledriver from the ring apron through a table on the floor. Hero amazingly kicked out. Rhyno and Hero battled up the stage. Rhyno slammed Hero into the metal structure on the titan tron, and then attempted the Gore, but Hero dodged it and sent Rhyno off the stage through another table. Hero put Rhyno back in the ring and delivered the KTFO to get a 2-0 record over his new nemesis.

5-on-5 Tag Match:
RTX Champions: (Jay Lethal, Roderick Strong, Riot and the Young Bucks) defeated The RTX All Stars (Eddie Edwards, Dalton Castle, Danger, and the ReDragon):
When Riot and Danger were left in the ring to fight, Charlotte and Victoria Muharsky ran out and began fighting with them. The four Divas' battled backstage. Back in the ring, Eddie Edwards delivered a foot stomp to the back of Jay Lethal. Matt Jackson came in and began to battle with Eddie. Kyle O'Reilly charged from the corner but Matt threw him into Eddie. Kyle threw Matt outside and went to the top rope. Chris Sky, Eddie's boyfriend, was at ringside and threw Kyle off the top rope, allowing Strong to capitalize and hit a jumping knee on Kyle to get the win for the champs. After the match Eddie and Chris attacked the ReDragon and left them laying.

3-Team Turmoil to determine the first RTX Divas' Tag Team Champions:
The Beautiful People (Hailey Von Erich and Rayne Sky) defeated The Knockout Queens (Charlotte and Victoria Muharsky) and Brooke Wylde & Kailyn:
Due to Charlotte and Victoria's earlier interference in the ten-person tag match, Riot and Danger saw fit to give the Texan sisters a dose of payback. After Victoria was able to land her wheelbarrow facebuster on Hailey, Riot and Danger ran out and beat Victoria down, then attacked Charlotte outside the ring. This allowed Rayne to recover and delivered a snap swinging neckbreaker on Victoria to get the win and become the first champions.

No Holds Barred Match:
Chris Sky (with Eddie Edwards) vs. Eddie Clark:
This feud had been ongoing since Chris had turned on Clark a few weeks ago, costing him the RTX Championship. During Fight Mania, Chris had turned face when he saved Jay Lethal from an attack by Clark, turning Clark heel as well. The match got off to a bloody start when Chris smashed a glass vase over Chris's head as the latter came to the ring. Later on into the match, Chris seemed to be unable to continue. The referee was considering stopping it but Edwards stopped him. In a humorous twist, Edwards kissed Chris, which seemingly gave Chris new life and caused him to nip up. Clark and Chris took it to the outside and over to the far corner of the arena. With Edwards close behind, Chris hammered Clark and slammed him into the barrier. Edwards threw Chris a chair when Chris and Clark got close to the stairway leading to the rafters. Chris slammed Clark over the head with the chair. Clark fell onto two tables near the staircase. Chris climbed up the stairs and to a small (conveniently placed) platform on the railing of the staircase 25 feet up. Chris dove from the railing with a death-defying Air Psycho, driving Clark through both tables and taking both of them out. It was Edwards who kissed Chris again, giving Chris the strength to roll over Clark and get the win.
