RTX Xtreme - April 2, 2016:

Riot, whom I started appearing
with after what happened with
Yes I know you'll find these events shocking....but a personal event played a pivotal role in this event. Personal issues between Eddie and I began to cause a rift in the RTX company. The RTX Championship match between Eddie Clark (c) and Dalton Castle is where I saw my opportunity to prove a point, considering I found out the truth that Eddie gave it all up....personally screwed with my feelings for all this time because he wanted the spotlight for himself. Well....he chose a bad night. The night that former star of Women of Wrestling, Riot, was making her RTX debut. Her insane character and destructive attitude made us similar in many ways. Do not get the wrong idea here, I DO NOT love Riot that way, only as a friend. A psychotic friend, but a friend nonetheless. But when the title match finally came, we saw our chance to make a statement. Eddie and Dalton battle fiercely, even seeing Eddie perform a somersault dive from the top rope onto Dalton. Dalton gained advantage with a superkick and got a two out of a bridging German suplex. When Dalton went for Bang-a-rang, Eddie reversed out of it with the Fisherman buster. Eddie only got a two again. Eddie, seeming desperate, grabbed the title belt and prepared to clobber Dalton with it. Dalton ducked it and hit Bang-a-rang, getting another two count out of that. Dalton tried another Bang-a-rang and Eddie reversed out of it with a cradle for two. Eddie responded with a shoot kick to the side of Dalton's head. Another two. Later on a melee between Dalton and Eddie lead to the referee being taken down. Eddie picked up his belt again and this time succeeded in slamming Dalton with it. When Eddie looked to steal a win, the lights went out and the image of Riot spray-painting her name on the windshield of a car appeared on the titan tron's screen. Eddie was looking at the top of the ramp. Riot did not appear up there. She did appear on the apron behind him, without her signature wooden baseball bat. As Eddie stared at Riot, I came into the ring behind him with the bat, breaking it over the back of his head as Riot laughed maniacally. I pulled Dalton over onto my ex and Dalton got the three count to win the title. After the match Riot, with blood-red spraypaint, painted her name onto Eddie's chest and me and her celebrated over Eddie's lifeless body.

Signed for this Saturday (April 9) is a Mixed-Gender Tag Team Main Event, as me and Riot team for the first time to take on Eddie and Divas' Champion Charlotte Muharsky. If our team wins Riot will be guaranteed a Divas' Championship match upcoming at Fight Mania on April 15.
Get a glimpse of Riot in action back in 2000 here
