RTX Xtreme - April 9, 2016:

My interview before the match
Danger on her debut
Last night we taped the episode of RTX Xtreme set to air April 9. And another surprise debut was scheduled to take place. The main event was me and Riot teaming to take on Eddie and Charlotte Muharsky, the Divas' Champ. If my team won Riot was guaranteed a Divas' Championship match at Fight Mania. Riot made her usual bombastic entrance with her bat, and the image of her spraypainting her name on a car's windshield. I came out with her. I was tired of my usual entrance so I came to Riot's, because her's was much more exciting than mine. Eddie and Charlotte came out separately. Charlotte teasingly hoisted her title up and taunted Riot with it. The match, though intense, did not last very long. Riot attacked Charlotte with the baseball bat as soon as the champion stepped through the ropes. Charlotte was able to recover though. Charlotte and Riot started fighting outside, leaving me and Eddie alone to fight in the ring. Quickly I speared Eddie in the corner and used a chair to hit Poetry in Motion. Riot and Charlotte came back in and it lead to Riot hitting a big body slam for a two. Riot then managed to hit the powerbomb on Charlotte for another two. Riot became frustrated and delivered a Powerbomb on the referee. Riot turned into the In Yo' Face from Charlotte. Riot rolled outside. Then came the surprise debut: Riot's former tag team partner from WOW, Danger. Danger ran in and dropped Charlotte with the Danger Drop. Charlotte rolled outside and Danger turned into a superkick from Eddie. As Eddie yelled at Danger for interfering, I snuck up behind him, cradling Eddie from behind and hooking his tights to get the three count. Just for emphasis, after the match, Danger attacked Charlotte again, dragging her outside. Danger put the exclamation point on the attack by putting Charlotte through the ringside table with the Danger Drop. Me, Riot, and Danger then walked up the ramp, laughing at the carnage we had left behind.
