RTX Fade to Black - May 9:

The show opens up with a lengthy promo showing what happened the previous night and a mysterious promo from Chris Sky, where Chris stated, "This Sunday, Bear, I'm gonna make you bleed, and I'm gonna enjoy it".

RTX World Championship:
Shandi Essick defeated Jay Lethal (c):
In one of the biggest upsets in RTX history, Shandi came out as Jay Lethal's surprise opponent. Shandi had not held a World Championship since her historic reign in 2009, where she was the first woman to hold a World Championship in RTX. Lethal laughed with Truth Martini in the ring, both of them not taking Shandi seriously at all. Lethal was so confident he'd win he even tried to end the match quickly. Trying an early Lethal Injection, Lethal's move was countered and Shandi shoved him into the ropes and rolled him up for a two. Lethal superkicked Shandi and Truth tried to hit Shandi with the Book of Truth but Shandi ducked and Truth nailed Lethal. Shandi dropkicked Truth off the apron and delivered a Pedigree on Lethal, then rolled him over and pinned him to win the title.

RTX World Tag Team Championship:
Die Hard (c) defeated The Young Bucks:
Chris's attire from the match
Chris posing on the top rope
This was the Bucks's rematch for the championship they lost to Die Hard on May 4. This match saw a first as Chris used a Claudio Castignoli-like uppercut on Nick. The match even saw all four men superkick each other at the same time, getting a huge pop from the crowd. But as you can probably guess from the previous night, Bear and Tiger were involved in the outcome of this championship matchup. The Bucks tried the Meltzer Driver on Eddie but Chris caught Nick and powerbombed him over the top rope. Matt hit a Tombstone to Eddie anyway. Chris tried to superkick Matt but accidentally hit the referee instead. Chris then blocked one by Matt and connected with a bridging straitjacket German suplex on Matt but got a two out of it. Eddie connected with the Die Hard on Matt and Chris landed the Air Psycho, but Bear and Tiger ran out. Tiger pulled Eddie out of the ring and slammed him into the steps as Bear came in and speared Chris. Bear put Matt on top of Chris and put the referee back in. Matt got a two!! Nick and Matt then did the "Suck it" pose to Bear and Tiger and superkicked them. The Bucks connected with More Bang For Your Buck on Chris but Eddie foot-stomped Nick's back. Eddie cross bodied Matt to the outside as Chris landed a second Air Psycho on Nick and covered him to retain the titles.
