RTX Fade to Black - Night 1 - May 8:

Night 1 of Fade To Black saw the reuniting of Team Xtreme (Chris Sky and Caleb Essick) for the first time in nearly a year to defend the Tag Titles. Eddie had a RTX Championship Match later on in the night, so Caleb stepped up in a shocking twist to be Chris's partner.

Tag Team Match - #1 Contenders' Match to the Tag Team Titles:
The Young Bucks defeated The Kings of Wrestling:
The Kings dominated this match for the most part. They even managed to hit the KRS ONE on Matt but Nick broke it up. Chris and Eddie were on commentary. It looked as if the Bucks would come back as they hit the Meltzer Driver on Castignoli but Hero hit the KTFO on Matt. Claudio tried to steal the win but Nick managed to 450 splash to his back. Nick superkicked Hero to the outside and the Young Bucks capitalized with More Bang For Your Buck on Claudio to get their rematch for the Tag Team Match. After the match the Bucks shared words with their Bullet Club mates at ringside.

RTX World Tag Team Championship Match:
Team Xtreme (c) vs. Bear and Tiger:
The ending of this match left many fans stunned and had an effect on the main event. Caleb and Chris
did pick up the win but it came with a price. It looked as if the match would be over when Caleb's sister Shandi came in and planted Tiger with a DDT. Tiger kicked out when Caleb covered him. The champs continued their offense with Poetry in Motion on Bear, looking as if they hadn't missed a step. When they tried the Twist of Fate/ Swanton Bomb combo, Tiger shoved Chris off the top rope, distracting Caleb to allow Bear to nail a spear out of nowhere for a two. Bear grabbed a chair but Shandi snatched it from him. Bear speared Shandi and turned into the Twist of Fate by Caleb. Chris landed a captivating Swanton and covered his former partner to retain the titles. After the match Tiger threw Caleb outside and grabbed another chair. Chris was beating on Bear but the heels gained control and slammed Chris with a double chairshot to the head, leaving Chris limp in the ring and also giving him a concussion. After that Chris and Caleb were shown backstage with Shandi, medical personnel checking on Chris's condition. Caleb refereed to Tiger and Bear as "bastards" and said that "we'll get our revenge".

RTX Championship Match
Eddie Edwards (c) defeated Davey Richards by disqualification:
Eddie had Davey beat after a Die Hard off the top rope. But before he could pin Davey, Bear and Tiger came out carrying an unconscious Chris on their shoulders. Eddie got up off of Davey and watched as Bear hit Chris with a chair. Eddie ran up the stage to help but Bear hit him with a chair (Bear, if you're reading this, IT'S ON NOW!!!!!) causing a disqualification. Tiger hit Eddie with the chair again this time causing Eddie to bleed. Chris did manage to regain consciousness long enough to push Tiger off the stage and hit Bear with the chair. Chris then grabbed a microphone and said, "Since you guys were dumb enough to attack Eddie, at Reborn, I want you one-on-one, First Blood. I win, you never get another World title shot. You win, I leave. Yes or no?!". Bear accepted, giving us a new main event for Reborn.
