RTX Final Showdown

May 1:

Eddie Edwards (with Chris Sky) defeated Trevor Lee:
Andrew Everrett came out as Eddie was trying to foot stomp Trevor. He shoved Eddie off the top into a big knee from Trevor. Trevor hit the Orange Crush but Bear, who had not been seen in RTX since the injury he suffered at Hunt3d, came in and pulled the referee out. Andrew tried to attack Bear but Bear speared him through the ring barrier. Trevor was standing at the ropes yelling at Bear. Eddie rolled up Trevor and got the win.

Chris Sky "Graveyard" Promo:
Chris is shown walking around in a graveyard, mentioning his plans to take out Shane Helms' invading Dynasty. He mentions the Buried Alive Match that will occur tonight between he and Trevor Lee. In Undertaker fashion, Chris commented that he would, once and for all, bury Trevor alive and that Trevor would never rest in peace.

Roderick Strong and Jay Lethal defeated Chris Sky and Chris Hero (with Eddie Edwards and Sara Del Rey):
Lee, Helms and Everett ran in and attacked Edwards outside. Sky sprang off of Hero's back and tried to jump onto the Dynasty outside, but they moved and Chris slammed off the floor. The Dynasty continued to stomp on Sky outside, leaving Lethal to superkick Hero and deliver the Lethal Injection for the pin.

May 2 - Night 2:

RTX World Championship:
Jay Lethal (c) defeated Chris Hero (with Claudio Castignoli):
Claudio tried to help Hero at several points in the match, even going so far as to clobber Lethal with an uppercut when the referee was distracted. Hero took advantage of the uppercut and tried to hit the Hero's Welcome but Lethal reversed and sent Hero into Claudio, who was on the apron trying to distract the referee. Hero turned into a superkick from Lethal. Lethal then connected with the Lethal Injection on Hero and covered him for the win. After the match the Kings beat down Lethal and used the KRS1 to put Lethal through the announce table.
My attire for the Buried Alive Match
Buried Alive Match:
Chris Sky defeated Trevor Lee:
Chris delivered an Air Psycho on Trevor through a table outside. When he tried to pull Trevor toward the gravesite, Andrew Everett  ran down and attacked Chris. He threw a pair of brass knuckles to Trevor and Trevor used them to knock Chris out. Trevor carried Chris up to the gravesite. Before Trevor could bury Chris, Eddie Edwards ran down and attacked Trevor and Andrew. He powerbombed Trevor through a table. To wake Chris up, Eddie kissed Chris and Chris nipped up. Chris picked Trevor up and performed a Tombstone Piledriver onto a steel chair. Chris then rolled Trevor into the grave and was able to bury him alive as Eddie fought off Andrew and Shane Helms.

RTX Championship Match:
Eddie Edwards defeated Roderick Strong (c):
Eddie was able to foot stomp Strong and looked to win the title but the Dynasty ran down and attacked Eddie, leaving him prone and allowing Strong to lock on the Strong Hold. Eddie tried to fight out of it but Roderick countered and cradled Eddie for two. Chris, Bear and Jay Lethal ran down and attacked the Dynasty. Back in the ring Roderick tried the End of Heartache on Eddie. Eddie flipped out of it and reversed into the Die Hard. Eddie then pinned Roddy to capture the title! ^u^ <3 <3
