RTX Live: The Bloodletting - May 10, 2016:

Last night's show opened up with a promo for Chris Sky and Bear's "First Blood" Match at Reborn. Tonight's main event is Chris and Bear's warm up match: it's Caleb and Chris vs. Bear and Tiger for the Tag Team Titles in a Street Fight!

Street Fight for the World Tag Team Championships:
Team Xtreme (c) vs. Bear and Tiger:

Caleb trying to tag Chris
Caleb and Chris's entrance for the title match
The reigning champs came to the ring to an amazing pop from the fans. Chris seemed to be physically recovered from the concussion he recovered from Bear and Tiger. Caleb did not think that this was a wise move for Chris to accept this match after his injury, but Chris said he'd do anything to get revenge for Eddie, who had been busted open by Bear when Chris issued the challenge for the First Blood match. Bear and Tiger ran to the ring and began fighting with Caleb and Chris before the bell could even ring. Bear immediately tried to hit Chris with a steel chair but Chris ducked and dropkicked Bear outside. Chris sprang off of Caleb's back and somersaulted onto Bear outside. Several minutes after Chris brought a ladder out and windmilled into Tiger and Bear. Caleb and Chris then used Poetry in Motion on Bear with Bear trapped in the ladder. Immediately Caleb hit a Twist of Fate and Chris went for the Swanton but Tiger shoved Chris through a table and came in with a reverse suplex on Caleb. Bear picked up the chair and hit Caleb, busting Caleb open. Bear and Tiger double-teamed Caleb but Caleb hit a double low-blow to both of them and went to tag in Chris. He got the tag and Chris picked up the chair and used it to bust open Bear as revenge for the past three days. Chris laid the chair over Bear and performed the Swanton onto the chair. Bear kicked out. Chris brought the ladder into the ring and hit both Bear and Tiger right in the face with it. Chris put Tiger on the ladder and tried another Swanton but Tiger moved and Chris landed on the ladder. Tiger landed a reverse suplex on the ladder but Chris amazingly kicked out. Bear went to spear Chris but Chris moved and Bear collided head-first with the post. Chris responded with a Killswitch on Bear onto the steel chair. Caleb dove off the top rope onto Tiger with a legdrop through a table outside. Back in the ring, Chris jumped off the top rope with a third Swanton onto Bear on the steel chair and then rolled over and laid an arm on Bear, who kicked out again!! Chris was shocked, and Caleb grabbed another chair. With Tiger out cold, Chris picked up the first chair and he and Caleb delivered a double chairshot to the head of Bear. Caleb then pinned Bear to retain the Tag Team Titles. Tiger checked on a bloody Bear as the championship walked up the ramp and were joined by Eddie on the stage.
