RTX Live - May 3, 2016:

RTX World Championship Match:
Jay Lethal (c) vs. Bear vs. Tiger:
Bear and Tiger started off the match by double-teaming Lethal. Once the tempers began to flare between them over who would pin Lethal, the two partners began brawling. Bear quickly knocked Tiger outside and tried for a quick spear on Lethal who countered with a superkick and the Lethal Combination for a close two count. When he tried the Lethal Injection Tiger caught him and hit his inverted suplex. Tiger covered Lethal for a long two count. Tiger superkicked Bear and when Bear kicked out, in frustration, Tiger grabbed a steel chair. Tiger tried to hit Bear with the chair but Bear speared him. Bear picked up the chair but Lethal superkicked the chair into his face. Lethal threw the chair out and delivered Lethal Injection on Bear and pinned him to retain the title.

My attire for the Tag Team Championship match

RTX World Tag Team Championship:
The Young Bucks (c) vs. The Kings of Wrestling vs. Team Ambition (Davey Richards and Kyle O'Reilly) vs. Die Hard (Chris Sky and Eddie Edwards):
The Bucks managed to hit the Meltzer Driver on Hero but Castignoli broke it up and hit Nick with an uppercut. Matt superkicked Claudio but Hero gave Matt the KTFO. Eddie dropkicked Hero outside and Davey hit the Creeping Kill on Eddie. Chris hit the Pedigree on Davey then blocked a clothesline from Kyle and delivered the Killswitch. Chris slowly rolled over Kyle to make the cover but Davey flew off the top with the foot stomp. Chris managed to switch positions with Kyle at the last second and Davey foot stomped Kyle. Chris Pedigreed Davey a second time and then knocked Kyle outside. Chris hit Kyle in the face with the ring bell and then performed a Tombstone Piledriver to Kyle on top of the commentators' table. Chris put Kyle back in the ring and managed to fight off the Bucks as Eddie pinned Kyle to give us new champions!
