RTX Reborn - May 14, 2016:

The finish of Saturday's night Reborn PPV left many fans stunned and speechless. Yet there were those who were not as surprised as they should have been. Again, only the main matches are covered.

RTX Divas' Championship:
Riot (c) defeated Madison Rayne:
Riot seemed to have lost her focus since Danger had been banned from ringside before the match. Rayne took complete advantage of this and dominated Riot for the first part of the match. It seemed as if Rayne would defeat Riot until Riot reversed a move and threw Rayne, by her hair, from the top rope down to the floor. Riot continued her onslaught with a big bodyslam to the floor. Riot throws Rayne back in the ring and only gets a two count. Riot goes for the powerbomb but Rayne counters into a sunset flip for another two. Riot responds with a clothesline to the outside, and slams Rayne repeatedly into the barrier. Riot grabbed her bat and tried to hit Rayne but Rayne reversed into a backdrop on the floor. Rayne put Riot back in the ring and scored with the Rayne Check for a close two count. The two battled to the top rope. Riot reversed a headscissors by Rayne into a top-rope powerbomb to get the win and keep the title.

RTX World Championship:
Jay Lethal (with Truth Martini) (c) def. Dalton Castle (with the Boys):
Lethal had been on a roll since capturing the title back on April 15. Dodging interference by the Boys on several occasions during this match, Lethal looked to keep his crown as the greatest in RTX. Castle scored two Bang-a-Rang's in the first fifteen minutes of the match alone, neither of which was able to put Lethal away. Castle threw Lethal out to the floor and connected with a German Suplex. Lethal was almost counted out but made it back into the ring at sixteen. Castle went for a running knee but Lethal countered into the Lethal Combination. The Boys came up on the apron but Martini pulled them both off and attacked them with the Book of Truth. This distracted Castle allowing Lethal to capitalize with a superkick and Hail to the King for another two count. Lethal grabbed the Book of Truth. As Martini distracted the referee, Lethal tried to hit Castle. Castle ducked and hit Lethal with the Book. Martini came in but got a Bang-a-Rang from Castle. Lethal seized opportunity and rolled up Castle from behind and hooked the tights to retain his title.

First Blood Match:
Chris Sky and Bear wrestled to a no contest:
Chris had ignited this feud with Bear due to costing both Bear and Tiger the RTX World Championship in a recent King of the Mountain Match. Bear took it a step farther by attacking Eddie Edwards with a steel chair, instantly making it personal. Bear even attacked Chris before the latter could get to the ring and threw him off the stage. Chris was cut from his head hitting the floor but the match hadn't started. Edwards ran in and aided Chris in temporarily closing the cut. Chris immediately dropkicked Bear back into the corner. It didn't take long for several steel chairs to come raining into the ring. Chris took the first shot to the head with a chair but the cut didn't open. Bear instantly lost his temper and pulled out a bag of broken glass. He tried to slam Chris onto them but Chris managed to get Bear outside. Bear charged Chris but Chris backdropped Bear through the commentator's table. Chris put Bear back in the ring and hit a Pedigree onto the chair. Chris picked up the chair to hit Bear but Tiger ran out and attacked Chris. Jay Lethal ran in to help Chris out but Chris turned and attacked Lethal! Bear and Chris dropped Lethal with a double headlock driver and Chris shook hands with Bear and Tiger!

RTX Championship:
Eddie Edwards (c) defeated Roderick Strong:
The ending of this match was not a surprise to any of us watching. Roderick mistakenly Sick Kicked the referee allowing Edwards to capitalize with the Die Hard. Edwards tried to revive the referee but Roddy low-blowed Edwards and rolled him up. Strong put his feet on the ropes to pin Edwards but Edwards managed to kick out! Strong, in frustration, kicked the referee again and knocked him out. Strong knocked down Edwards and put him in the Strong Hold. Edwards got loose so Strong hit him with the title belt. Suddenly Bear and Chris Sky ran in and started beating Strong down. As Edwards was trying to recuperate, Bear and Sky dropped Strong with a double-team Dirty Deeds. Sky pulled Edwards onto Strong and revived the ref so the ref counted and Edwards retained the title. Edwards looked confused, wondering if Sky had turned. Sky stuck out his hand to Edwards and said, "Come on, Eddie. The best need to stick together". Edwards suddenly smiled and shook hands with Sky and Bear, joining Too Extreme. 


  1. Just so you know...Lethal captured the title back from Shandi at a live show on May 11.


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