RTX Fall From Grace - June 11, 2016:

Five main matches are featured on tonight's card. The show opens up with a video package showing the double feud between Chris Sky & Shane Helms' Dynasty, and Eddie Edwards and Mike Bennett. There are two main events on tonight's card: Edwards will defend the RTX Championship against Mike Bennett, and in the final match on the card, Chris Sky and Trevor Lee end their feud in the first Hell in a Cell Match in RTX since 2012.

RTX Divas Championship Match:
Riot (with Danger) (c) defeated Victoria Muharsky (with Charlotte Muharsky):
Both Danger and Charlotte interfered in the match, but Charlotte was caught by the referee trying to hit Riot with the baseball bat outside the ring. Charlotte was sent to the back, but clubbed Danger with the bat before leaving. This distracted Riot and allowed Victoria to get Riot on her shoulders for the wheelbarrow facebuster. Riot countered into a victory roll but Victoria kicked out. As Victoria tried to lift Riot up again, Riot somehow managed to divert the attention of the referee. Danger reached in and grabbed Victoria's ankle. Victoria turned around and hit at Danger but she dodged it. Riot twisted Victoria around and kicked her in the gut. Riot then hit the powerbomb on Victoria and got the win to retain her title.

RTX World Tag Team Championship Match:
Bullet Club (Bear and Tiger) (c) defeated Team Ambition (Davey Richards and Kyle O'Reilly):
Richards and O'Reilly dominated the match mostly. Bear and Tiger were defending because of the Freebird Rule. Many submissions were applied on the defending champions, but they refused to give up and relinquish the titles. Richards and O'Reilly at one point had simultaneous submissions on Bear and Tiger but the champs managed to lift them up and slam them into each other. Tiger reverse suplexed Richards over the top rope, and back in the ring, Bear tried the spear on O'Reilly. Kyle reversed into a Guillotine Choke. Bear came close to tapping but manage to roll over and reverse into a pin. Bear hooked the tights and the three count, retaining the titles for the Bullet Club.

RTX World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Shandi Essick defeated Jay Lethal (with Truth Martini) (c):
Shandi returned from an ankle injury to challenge Lethal. Shandi did hold the World title for a few days before dropping it back to Lethal on May 11. Truth Martini interfered and tried to attack his former protege but took a superkick from Shandi instead. Shandi turned into a superkick from Lethal and the Lethal Combination for a two count. Lethal went up for Hail to the King, but Shandi dropkicked him. Shandi then scored a hurricanrana from Lethal for a two count. She went for the Shansault but Lethal moved. Lethal went for the Lethal Injection but Shandi reversed into a neckbreaker. Shandi lifted Lethal up and delivered the Pedigree. Shandi rolled Lethal and got the pin to win her third RTX World title.

Fatal Four Way - Winner Gets an RTX World Championship Match:
Roderick Strong defeated Jeff Hardy, Chris Hero and Dalton Castle:
Hardy somersaulted over the top rope onto Castle outside the ring as Hero hit the KTFO on Strong for a two count. Hero set up for the Hero's Welcome on Strong but Hardy flew out of nowhere and hit a Whisper in the Wind on Hero for another two count. Hardy went for the Twist of Fate but Hero reversed into the Hero's Welcome on Hardy. Strong grabbed Hero and hit the Death by Roderick. Hero rolled outside. Castle came in and tried to hit Bang-a-Rang on Strong but Hardy hit Castle with a neckbreaker out of nowhere. Hardy hit the Twist of Fate on Strong and went up top. He went for the Swanton but Strong got his knees up. Roddy then connected with the Sick Kick and covered Hardy to get the title shot.

RTX Championship Match:
Eddie Edwards (with Chris Sky) (c) defeated Mike Bennett (with Maria Kanellis):
The feud between these two began on May 17 during Bennett's RTX debut match, when Bennett hooked the tights to defeat Edwards, then after the match powerbombed Edwards off the stage. Bennett's victory in that match guaranteed him a title shot. As you can probably guess, Maria interfered numerous times in the match, even one time going so far as to slap Edwards and hand Bennett a pair of brass knuckles. Chris grabbed Maria over his shoulder and carried her away from ringside. Bennett grabbed the knuckles and punched Edwards with them. Chris saw this and ran back for the ring with a chokeslam on Bennett. Chris rolled outside and Edwards clamped on the Achilles' Lock. Bennett couldn't make it to the ropes and submitted, allowing Edwards to retain the title.

Hell In A Cell Match:
Chris Sky (with Eddie Edwards) defeated Trevor Lee (with Shane Helms):
One of the most personal feuds in RTX history was to end in this match, not to mention the career of Trevor Lee due to the beating he took. Once the action spilled to the outside, Sky grabbed a steel chair and hit Lee with it six times in the head. Lee was on the commentators' table. Sky climbed to the top of the cell and performed an amazing Air Psycho onto Lee 25 feet below through the table. Chris carried Lee into the ring and covered him for two. Helms and Edwards also came in. Edwards attacked Helms and slammed him into the post. Meanwhile Chris scored a Tombstone Piledriver on Lee for two. Chris then hit a second Tombstone Piledriver, this one onto the steel chair for another shocking two!! Chris went for a third Tombstone but Lee countered into a fisherman buster for two. Lee tried a German suplex but Chris flipped out of it and reversed into another Tombstone on the steel chair for another stunning two!! Chris brought the steel steps into the ring and threw them at Lee. Edwards moved the other steps into the ring. Chris lifted Lee up and delivered a jumping Tombstone from the first steps, drilling Lee head-first into the second steps. After the move Chris covered Lee and got the three count. While Sky, though bloody, walked out hand-in-hand with Edwards, Lee was carried out of the cell on a stretcher.
