RTX Live - June 18, 2016:

On tonight's episode we will determine the Number one Contenders for the Tag Team Championship, as the Young Bucks take on Richards & O'Reilly. We will also see the historic feud between Chris Sky and the Helms Dynasty come to a brutal end in the Lethal Lockdown.

#1 Contenders' Match:
The Young Bucks defeated Davey Richards & Kyle O'Reilly....or did they???
Lots of confusion at the end of this match. After a well-timed distraction by Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson sprayed O'Reilly in the eyes with the Ice Spray and cradled him for the three count. But another referee came out and informed the referee of what had happened. Before the first referee could restart the match, Richards punt kicked Matt in the side of the head and the pin was counted by the second referee. The referees argued. Bear and Tiger ran out and said they could take down as many teams as possible to hang on to the gold. So a triple threat match was made for Fall From Grace: Bear and Tiger will defend their titles against fellow Bullet Club members The Young Bucks and Davey & Kyle.

An injury report shows what happened to Mike Bennett on RTX Xtreme. Not that anyone really gives a damn, it said he sustained a neck injury from the Indy-Taker on the steel steps. BOOHOO!! WAAA!!!!
Shandi after retaining the title

RTX World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Shandi Essick (c) defeated Roderick Strong:
Strong earned a championship match when he defeated Dalton Castle, Jeff Hardy and Chris Hero in a Fatal Four Way Match. Shandi herself had defeated former champion Jay Lethal to win the title at Fall From Grace. Late in the match, Roddy had Shandi on his shoulders for the double knee gutbuster. Shandi reversed into an O-Connor Roll for a two count. Roddy stood and got slapped with a devastating step-up kick from Shandi. A quick Pedigree by Shandi gets her a two count!! Shandi goes up top and tries for the Shansault but Roddy moves. Shandi still manages to land on her feet. Roddy hits the Sick Kick outta nowhere for a two count. He locks on the Strong Hold but Shandi makes it to the ropes to break it. Shandi charges Roddy in the corner but Roddy flips out and rolls up Shandi. Shandi reverses the O'Connor Roll into one of her own as she hooks Roddy's tights and retains her title.

Lethal Lockdown Match:
Chris Sky (with Eddie Edwards) defeated Andrew Everett:
Chris, looking to destroy the Helms Dynasty for their attack on Edwards at Reborn back in May, first took out Trevor Lee at Fall From Grace. Now, he looked to take out Helms and Everett in one night. The downfall for Everett came after he missed the 630 splash from the top of the cage. Chris trapped Everett between the ropes and the cage and speared him. The second spear broke the wall of the cage down and sent both competitors tumbling to the floor. Chris hammered Everett with a chair before he slid numerous weapons into the ring: a normal table, a glass table, and a sledgehammer. Chris attacked Helms with the sledgehammer before throwing Andrew back in the ring. Chris slammed Everett across the back of the head with the sledgehammer and broke it!! But Chris was FARRRRR from done. He laid Everett on the glass table and placed the wooden table over him. Chris climbed to the top of the cage. The fans watched in awe as Chris flew through the air with the Air Psycho onto Everett, breaking the tables and sending shards of glass all over the ring. Bleeding from several cuts all over his back and arms, Chris finished Everett off with a suplex backbreaker (a la Roddy Strong) for the pin to end this brutal encounter.
