RTX Live - May 17, 2016:

The main event tonight is the RTX TV debut of "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett, as he takes on RTX Champion "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards in a non-title match. Also on the card is Chris Sky and Bear teaming to take on Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett. Chris states before the match that this one is personal and that Lee, Everett and Shane Helms need to back off and stay out of the business of Die Hard.

Tag Team Street Fight:
Chris Sky and Bear vs. The Dynasty (Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett):
Chris's attire for the match
Chris thought his feud with Lee and Everett was over after defeating both of them in Undertaker like fashion, Lee in a Buried Alive Match, and Everett in a Casket Match, during which he debuted the Tombstone Piledriver as his new finisher. But after Lee, Everett and Shane Helms beat down Eddie Edwards in the parking lot after RTX Reborn, it instantly became one of the most personal feuds in the history of RTX. Chris came to the ring with Bear debuting his new "Mars" shirt (as seen in the photo on the left) and a new blood-red hair color that Chris described as "vampiric" in nature. Before the match, Chris even went so far as to Tombstone Piledrive Helms twice on the arena floor, then onto the steel steps at ringside. Towards the end of the match, Lee tried to jump over the ropes at Chris, but Chris managed to throw the steps at him in mid-air, busting Lee wide open. As Chris pounded Lee outside the ring, Bear lifted Everett up over his head and tossed him all the way through the commentators' table. Bear followed after Everett and speared him through the ring barrier as Chris threw Lee back in the ring and planted him with the Tombstone Piledriver. Chris covered Lee and got he and Bear the victory. After the match Chris Tombstoned Lee onto the steel steps.

Non-Title Match
Eddie Edwards vs. "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett (with Maria Kanellis):
The ending of this match nobody saw coming, especially since Edwards dominated the first half of the match. Bennett, when he did gain the advantage, worked over Edwards' left knee. After Edwards mistakenly took out Maria when he dove onto Mike outside, he howled at the crowd and threw Mike back in the ring. Bennett blocked a move by Edwards and went up top but Edwards kicked Bennett and landed the Chin Checker which got him a two count. Edwards went up top for the Foot Stomp but Maria grabbed his ankle. Edwards knocked Maria down and missed the Foot Stomp on Bennett, and seemed to injure his knee on the landing. With Edwards clutching his knee, Bennett managed to roll Eddie forward into a pin using his legs. Bennett hooked the tights, exposing a full moon the audience (Hehe ;3) and got the win. But after the match, Bennett kept attacking Edwards. The camera shows Chris trying to come to the ring but he was stopped by Lee and Everett. Bennett then powerbombed Edwards off the stage through the tables below, then locked lips with Maria as the duo stared down mercilessly at Edwards.
