RTX Xtreme - June 14, 2016:

The show opens up with a video package showing highlights from the brutal Hell in a Cell Match between Chris Sky and Trevor Lee from Fall From Grace. 

Seconds after the video package ends, Davey Richards and Kyle O'Reilly come out. They demand another shot at the World Tag Team Championship due to the controversial finish to the match at Fall From Grace. Bear and Tiger come out and say that "they'd cherish any chance to destroy the scum that's plaguing RTX".

RTX World Tag Team Championship Match:
Bear and Tiger (c) defeated Davey Richards & Kyle O'Reilly:
When the referee is momentarily distracted by Tiger, Richards takes advantage and tries to hit Bear with one of the Tag Title belts. Bear reverses with a Spear. In retaliation Kyle hits several kicks on Bear and places him in a Guillotine Choke. Suddenly, Bear's valet Becky Lynch runs out and jumps up on the apron, taking the attention of the referee. As the ref is trying to fight Lynch off the apron, Tiger grabs the championship belt that was left in the ring by Richards and hits O'Reilly in the back of the head with it. The referee turns away from Lynch as Bear folds up O'Reilly for the pin.

Next we go backstage for an interview with Die Hard. Chris is not wearing his usual shirt as his ribs are bandaged up. He says he is a little sore from the Hell in a Cell Match, but that it is not going to stop him from once and for all eradicating the RTX roster of the Helms Dynasty. Edwards says that tonight the problems between he and Mike Bennett will end once and for all. Edwards finishes the promo by saying the hunt is on.

Die Hard defeated Mike Bennett and Andrew Everett (with Shane Helms and Maria Kanellis):
Maria tried several times during this match to help Bennett and Everett win, but she failed. At one point she slapped Edwards but Chris grabbed her and delivered a Chokeslam off the apron, sending her onto Helms outside the ring. Bennett hit Chris from behind and dropped him with a TKO. He got only a two count. Everett tried the 630 splash on Chris but Edwards hit him with a dropkick that sent him to the floor. Bennett rolled up Edwards and put his feet on the middle rope but Riot suddenly ran out and caused a distraction, allowing the Young Bucks to come in and drop Bennett with the Indy-Taker. Chris hits a backbreaker on Everett followed by a Boston Knee Party from Edwards for the pin. After the match The Bucks delivered the Indy-Taker to Bennett on the steps.
