June 28 - RTX Xtreme:

For the first time in RTX history, a quadruple main event will be held. Each match will feature members of RTX's top four tag teams battling it out. Nick Jackson vs. Tiger, Matt Jackson vs. Chris Sky, Davey Richards vs. Bear and Eddie Edwards vs. Kyle O'Reilly. Interesting implications: on the next episode of RTX Live the winners of these matches will team up against the men they beat in an All-Star Tag Team Scramble Match!

Nick Jackson defeated Tiger:
Tiger had the advantage for most of the match until Matt Jackson ran out. Bear followed Matt. When Matt jumped up on the apron, Bear jerked him off the apron and speared him through the barrier. This caused a distraction. Nick tried a superkick on Tiger but Tiger ducked out of it and turned it into a reverse suplex but Nick kicked out. Tiger went up top but Nick nearly superkicked his head off. Tiger fell to the mat, as Nick took Bear down with a 720 DDT off the apron. Nick crawled back onto the apron, and capitalized with a springboard facebuster and the 450 splash to get the win. After the match Bear speared Nick as well.

Chris's attire for the match, in which he joined the
No Remorse Corps
Chris Sky defeated Matt Jackson:
When Nick ran out and started to attack Chris after the latter hit a Tombstone on Matt, Eddie Edwards came out as well, but Chris told Eddie to go to the back. Eddie appeared confused, but did just that. Chris took a Meltzer Driver from the Bucks and Nick went to the back. Matt looked to score the pin but a person in a mask pulled the referee out. The masked person came into the ring and took out Matt with a knee to the face. Chris looked confused but hit another Tombstone Piledriver on Matt and got the win. After the match, the masked person had a staredown with Chris. The person took the mask off. It was Roderick Strong!! Chris appeared stunned at first but then shook hands with Strong and ripped his spandex zip-up off to reveal a "No Remorse Corps" T-shirt underneath.

Davey Richards defeated Bear:
Bear and Richards had the longest, possibly most mind-numbing match of the entire night. Richards seemed to be acting very weird in this match, using a different style and almost confusing Bear. Richards got a two out of reversing Bear's spear into a cradle. Richards shoot kicks Bear in the side of the head but Bear no-sells it and hits a superman punch on Richards. Bear gets a two. Bear locks on the Animal Lock, which he hasn't used in ages. Richards somehow manages to reverse into another pin which gets a two. Bear spears Richards. Another 2 count. Bear is busted open (shockingly) when he misses another spear and collides with the ring post. Despite the sickening sound and impact of Bear's head smashing against the post, he still kicks out!! Richards hits a superkick and another shoot kick, and finally hits the DR-Driver on Bear to win the match. After the match Richards offers to shake hands. Instead, Bear just turns and walks away.

Eddie Edwards defeated Kyle O'Reilly:
Finally confusion becomes understanding for the fans in this one. Kyle made numerous attempts to make Eddie submit to the Guillotine Choke and Arm-ageddon but Edwards refused to quit. Even when Edwards missed a chop on O'Reilly and smashed his hand into the ring post, Edwards didn't submit. A brainbuster from Kyle, however, nearly put Eddie down for the count but he kicked out. Kyle, in frustration, grabs a steel chair from ringside. When he attempts to use it on Edwards, Roderick Strong comes out of nowhere and grabs Kyle's ankle. Kyle yells at Strong but turns straight into the Boston Knee Party from Edwards on the chair. Edwards gets the pin and wins it. After the match Edwards joins the No Remorse Corps.
