RTX Live - July 2:

Two HUGE matches signed for tonight: Roderick Strong gets another chance to win the RTX World Championship after the controversial loss in the last encounter, and the eight-man All-Star Tag Team Scramble set last week. Before the show begins a video package showing the shocking events from last week and the formation of the NRC is played. 

RTX World Championship Match:
Shandi Essick (c) defeated Roderick Strong (with Mandy Leon):
Shandi decided to give Strong a rematch at the World title because the last time the two fought, Shandi pinned Strong hooking his tights. Strong stated before the match that Shandi was not dealing with the same Roderick Strong that she fought the night after Fall From Grace. This Roderick Strong will not show remorse. And he didn't. The self-proclaimed "Messiah of the Backbreaker" dominated Shandi, although he did get an assist from Mandy Leon when she slammed Shandi into the post as Roddy had the attention of the referee. After Shandi escaped the Strong Hold, Strong missed a Sick Kick on Shandi and hit the turnbuckle, falling on his head. Shandi capitalized with the Pedigree on Strong but Mandy came into the ring. Shandi slapped Mandy and gave her a facebuster. Shandi then hits another Pedigree on Strong and pins him to retain the title.

Eight Man All-Star Tag Team Scramble Match:
Davey Richards, Nick Jackson and The No Remorse Corps (Eddie Edwards and Chris Sky) defeated Kyle O'Reilly, Matt Jackson and Bear & Tiger:
Chris after the match as Bennett
was running his mouth
Matt Jackson (left) turned on his
team and tried to help his brother
Bear and Tiger did not seem to enjoy teaming with their nemesis O'Reilly. But Matt was a fellow Bullet Club member who wasn't exactly comfortable with fighting his own brother, so uncomfortable with is, as a matter of fact, that he tried to help his brother win the match. Mike Bennett showed up halfway through the match and sat at the commentators' table, stating that at World On Fire he would end Chris and "his little group of boy cheerleaders" once and for all. At one point, Chris sprang off the steel steps outside and tried a one-man Poetry In Motion on Bear but Bear countered and powerbombed Chris on the steps. Bennett shoved Bear aside and started to mock Chris. Bear pushed Bennett into the ring post. Back in the ring, O'Reilly had Nick in the guillotine choke. Matt suddenly hit a moonsault on O'Reilly!!! Nick fell on O'Reilly and tried a pin but O'Reilly kicked out. Tiger delivered a reverse suplex on Nick. Eddie hit the Boston Knee Party on Tiger but took a spear from Bear. Angered beyond description, Chris grabbed a sledgehammer and hit Bear. Chris then hit a Tombstone Piledriver on O'Reilly and covered him. After the match Bennett grabbed a mike and ran his mouth about his match with Chris at the PPV. Chris said, "My back hurts, my head hurts, but at World On Fire, I am going to end you and get rid of your slutty ass girlfriend once and for all, you piece of trash". Chris thrust the microphone into Bennett's chest and started to leave, but Bennett low-blowed him and tried to give him the Box Office Smash but Edwards came in chased him back up the ramp.
