RTX World On Fire - Night 2: July 17, 2016:

Fresh off one of the most shocking and history-making nights in RTX History, here we are on Night 2 of RTX's yearly extravaganza, World On Fire! Tonight will see the Hardcore Championship decided, a new Number One Contender for the RTX Championship will be crowned, Ryder & Sky vs. The Young Bucks, plus much more!

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the RTX Divas' Championship:
Gail Kim (c) defeated Victoria Muharsky, Velvet Sky and Riot:
Victoria's facebuster on Riot
This was Velvet Sky's first appearance in RTX for over a year, as well as her first appearance since leaving TNA. Riot was told ahead of time that, should she fail to defeat Gail Kim this time, it would be her last shot at the title. With Danger out due to injury, Riot had no one in her corner except for her trustworthy wooden bat. In fact, Riot tried to use that bat on Kim very early into the match but was tackled to the match by Velvet Sky. Velvet appeared to be setting Riot up for the In Yo' Face but she got clotheslined by Victoria. Kim hit a running neckbreaker on Victoria for a two count. Velvet rolled up Gail from behind for another two count, as Gail pushed her off into a superkick from Victoria. Riot was then able to hit Gail with her bat. Riot tried to hit Victoria with the bat but Victoria moved. The bat hit the ropes and came back and hit Riot in the head. Victoria takes advantage with a facebuster on Riot and pins her to eliminate her. Velvet hits a snap DDT on Victoria. Then she goes for the In Yo' Face on Gail but Gail twists out of it and hits the Eat Defeat on Velvet. Gail pins Velvet to eliminate her. Wisely, Kim picked up a dazed Victoria and lands the Happy Ending straitjacket neckbreaker on Victoria to retain her title.

Fatal Four Way #1 Contenders' Match for a RTX Championship Match:
Jeff Hardy defeated Dalton Castle, Chris Hero and Claudio Castignoli:
Note: Jeff Hardy IS NOT #BrotherNero Deleted on this website! He is JEFF HARDY!!!

Jeff Hardy during his promo after
the match
Jeff Hardy had come within inches of winning a RTX title match back at Fall From Grace, but came up short after being pinned by Roderick Strong, who ironically enough, will challenge for the RTX World Championship Match later on tonight. Hero and Castignoli took Hardy out of the hunt early on in the match atfer they attcked him from behind and gave him the KRS ONE on the floor. However, there was obvious dissension showing between the Kings of Wrestling (Hero & Castignoli) in this match, in fact it is what may have cost both of them. The first sign of tension came after Hero hit the KTFO on Castle. As Hero tried to pin Castle, Castignoli grabbed Hero by the hair and pulled him off. Hero and Castignoli argued before Hardy pushed Hero into Castignoli and rolled Hero up for two. Hardy then ran right into an uppercut from Claudio. After the Kings hit Castle with the KRS ONE, they began to argue over who would pin him. Finally having enough of each other, Hero elbowed Castignoli in the face. Hero turned around and was in the grip of Dalton Castle for the Bang-a-Rang. Castle tried to pin Hero but Hardy suddenly flew off the top rope with the Swanton Bomb, breaking up the pin. Castle rolled outside clutching the back of his head as Hardy pins Hero to earn a RTX Championship Match. After the match, Hardy cut a promo saying that he didn't care who the champion was come August 13th. He stated that "come hell or high water, the Creatures will rule RTX once and for all"! After that, Eddie Edwards comes out and he and Hardy have a staredown.

Triple Threat RTX Hardcore Championship Match:
Tiger (with Bear) (c) defeated James Storm and Mike Bennett:
Originally, this match was scheduled to be Tiger vs. Mike Bennett. However, due to what happened in the Fight Without Honor the night before, and because of his new-found hatred for Bennett, James Storm was added to this match, and Chris Sky was in his corner to rival Bear. Maria was in Bennett's corner, but come on. Really? Does she really think she is that good? The action quickly spilled to the floor where Tiger gained the upper hand. After knocking Bennett over the barrier, Tiger turned his attention to Storm. Tiger appeared as if he was going to nail Storm with his own beer bottle, but Chris snatched it out of his hand. Instead, Chris turned around and broke the bottle over the head of Bennett. Maria slapped Chris but Chris pushed her into a spear from Bear! This seemed to bring Bennett back from the dead as he seemingly forgot about the match and focused on Bear. Bennett charged Bear but got backdropped through the commentators' table. Back in the ring, Storm hit Closing Time to Tiger with a steel chair on Tiger's face. Storm gets another two count. He sets up for the Eye of the Storm and connects. When he goes for the Last Call superkick, Tiger (unbeknownst to Storm) had grabbed another beer bottle from a fan at ringside. Tiger ducked the Last Call and shattered the beer bottle on Storm's head. Tiger covers Storm and is able to retain the Hardcore Championship.

Triple Threat RTX World Championship Match:
"The Bloodrayne" Shandi Essick (c) defeated Roderick Strong and Bear via submission:
Roderick Strong was not going into this match at 100 percent. In fact, Strong's knee had been injured
Shandi Essick has been going through a
"Psycho Goth Chick" phase recently.
the night before when Chris Sky hit him in the back of the knee with a baseball bat. Strong tried to fight through the pain and make it not so obvious, but his opponents knew of his injury and took full advantage of it. At one point, both Bear and Shandi had Strong in a simultaneous Boston Crab until Strong reached the ropes. Shandi and Bear then had a staredown in the middle of the ring then slugged it out. Shandi got the upper hand when she blinded Bear with the Blood Mist. Shandi rolls Bear up and gets a two count. Shandi tries to get Bear up for the Pedigree but Bear backs to the ropes and throws Shandi outside. Bear then performs a somersault over the top rope onto Shandi that makes the fans go crazy! Bear gets back in the ring and Strong hits him with the Sick Kick outta nowhere. Strong covers Bear but gets just a two. Strong manages to put Bear in the Strong Hold. Bear nearly reaches the ropes but Strong pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Bear is on the verge of tapping until Shandi dropkicks Strong's knee outta nowhere. Shandi connects with a Tombstone on Strong but turns into a hellacious spear from Bear that sends her flying across the ring. Bear covers Shandi and gets the three, and it appears we have a new World Champion! But the referee realizes Shandi's foot was on the rope and the match continues. Bear argues with the referee and turns into a jumping knee from Strong. Strong hits the End of Heartache on Bear but severely hurts his knee upon impact. Shandi gets up but is dazed, stumbling around and her eyes crossing, but she finds Strong and locks him into a Sharpshooter. The pain is too much for Strong to handle and he taps, allowing Shandey to retain her title.

Street Fight for the RTX World Tag Team Championship:
The Young Bucks (c) defeated The No Remorse Corps (Chris Sky/Zack Ryder):
The Young Bucks managed to retain the Tag Team
Titles against Chris Sky and Zack Ryder
Sky and Ryder had helped The Young Bucks win the vacated Tag Team Titles at Night 1 of World on Fire. After the match they challenged The Bucks to a Street Fight for the titles the next night. Chris came to this match with his ribs bandaged and stitches in his forehead. The Bucks targeted Sky's injury through the entire match. In fact, it was Chris himself that eventually worsened the injury. Both teams battled anywhere they were able, even fighting backstage briefly before heading back for the ring. As they brawled on the stage, Chris climbed up onto the metal frame around the titan tron screen and jumped off onto the Bucks, and even took Ryder down. Chris was seen clutching his ribs and screaming in agony. Ryder battled Nick back to the ring but the latter hit a superkick and brought out a table. When Matt made it back to the ring, he and Nick went for the Indy-Taker on Ryder on the floor, but Chris somehow managed to sneak up from behind Nick and shoved him into the barricade as Ryder slammed Matt into the steps. Ryder put Nick on the table and Chris went up top, showing no regard for his body as he drove Nick through the table with the Air Psycho, possibly worsening the injury to his ribs. Ryder gets back in the ring and goes for the Rough Ryder on Matt but Matt throws him back into the post. Matt then rolls Ryder up with a handful of tights and the Young Bucks retain the titles. To everyone's surprise, Shandi Essick comes out and calls the Young Bucks a bunch of "yellow-bellied cowards" and says that Sky and Ryder deserve a rematch.

Three Way Elimination Match for the RTX Championship:
Eddie Edwards (c) defeated Davey Richards and Kyle O'Reilly:
Davey Richards came close to winning
this match but was injured from last night
The attack by Sky & Ryder on Richards last night definitely gave the early edge to Edwards. Most people speculated that Richards may have suffered a concussion from the attack last night but no one is certain. If you judged by the way Richards wrestled this match, he didn't seem to be hurt at all until a few moments before the first elimination. Edwards, O'Reilly and Richards at one point battled outside the ring and landed three consecutive suicide dives to each other on the outside. Richards went for a second but was hit with a sickening superkick by Edwards upon diving through the ropes. O'Reilly speared Edwards into the barrier and hit his trademark diving dropkick from the apron. O'Reilly put Richards back in the ring and locked him in the Cross Armbreaker. Richards managed to reverse into a pin but O'Reilly kicked out. Richards hits the Creeping Kill kick but O'Reilly again kicks out. Richards, at this point, appears to be dizzy and is holding his head. Richards goes up top for the foot stomp but O'Reilly moves. O'Reilly charges Richards and hits double knees to the chest. O'Reilly picks up Richards and tries for the brainbuster but Richards flips out of it. Edwards is up on the apron and Richards pushes O'Reilly into him, knocking him off the apron. Richards rolls O'Reilly into a bridging O'Connor Roll and amazingly gets the three count to eliminate O'Reilly. O'Reilly does shake Richards' hand before he leaves. Richards sees Edwards down on the floor. Richards goes up top and tries to dive on Edwards but Edwards moves and Richards hits the barrier. Richards' equilibrium is shot all to hell at this point as Edwards picks him up and drops him down on the floor with the Die Hard. Slowly Edwards rolls Richards back into the ring and pins him to retain the title.
