RTX Xtreme - July 19, 2016:

Tonight's episode of RTX Xtreme will be just that: Xtreme, and it is ALL focused around the RTX World Championship. We will have two big matches that may shake up the match card for Cold Day In Hell. Roderick Strong gets his final shot at the RTX World Championship against Shandi in a Last Person Standing Match, and Chris Sky clashes with nemesis Mike Bennett in a Full Metal Mayhem Match to determine the Number One Contender to the World Title. We open with a video package showing some highlights from World On Fire.

#1 Contender's Full Metal Mayhem Match:
Chris Sky (with Zack Ryder) defeated Mike Bennett (with Maria):
Chris Sky won the right to face the RTX
World Champion
If you thought that the issue between Mike Bennett and Chris Sky was over, you were far from being right. World On Fire, apparently, was only the beginning between these two. Chris was added to this match because he had never received a rematch for the title since losing it to Jay Lethal this past April at Fight Mania, and Bennett had scored a victory over Chris back on May 24. The Full Metal Mayhem stipulation was added because of the fierce rivalry between the two. Chris seemed right at home in this Tables, Ladders and Chairs-like environment. Bennett wasn't exactly uncomfortable in this environment either. In fact he had the advantage for part of this unbelievable fight. Fresh off one of the most extreme matches in RTX history, the hatred between these two seems to have reached the point of no return. One incredible moment in the match saw Chris run up the ladder, which was leaned on the ropes, and somersault onto Bennett through a table on the floor. Chris tried to climb the ladder back in the ring to grab the World title contract but Bennett pushed over the ladder and Chris landed gut-first on the ropes, falling nearly on his head on the floor. Bennett himself tried to grab the contract but Chris crushed that hope with a springboard missile dropkick, knocking him off the ladder. Chris puts the ladder around Bennett's head and connects with a sickening Twist of Hate. He lays Bennett on the ladder and tries the Air Psycho but Bennett moves and Chris hits the ladder, not at all helping the rib injury he sustained at World on Fire. When the action spilled to the floor, Chris pulled out a bigger 15-foot ladder and set it up near the commentators' table. With Bennett on the table, Chris climbed the ladder but Maria struck him between the legs. Maria turned into a Zack Attack by Ryder. Bennett climbed the ladder on the opposite side of Chris and tried the Box Office Smash but Ryder evened the score by low-blowing Bennett. In the most amazing highlight of the entire match, Chris grabbed Bennett and delivered a Twist of Hate off the ladder through the table below, making the crowd go outta their minds! It took a minute for a clearly injured Chris to get back to his feet but it was still enough for him to retrieve the contact hanging above the ring, thereby earning himself a World title match! The segment ends with Bennett being carried out on a stretcher.

"Last Superstar Standing" Match for the RTX World Championship:
"The Bloodrayne" Shandi Essick (c) defeated Roderick Strong:
Shandi making her entrance
for the Last Superstar Standing
Keeping things extreme we go the World title match, the first Last Man Standing match in RTX in over a year, as champion Shandi Essick defends against Roderick Strong. The knee injury is still pretty noticeable on Strong, but it seems as if he is trying to ignore it. Shandi can see he's injured and targets that knee from the opening bell. She doesn't have the advantage long before Strong is reversing her in the corner with his thunderous, skin-splitting chops that echo through the arena. At one point, Strong pushes Shandi off the top rope and the latter lands on the ladder that was left at ringside earlier. When Shandi regains the advantage she sets up the ladder, and with Strong on a table, she climbs it but Strong catches her and back suplexes her through the table. Somehow, Shandi is able to revive at 7, so Strong grabs a steel chair and goes to work on Shandi's leg with it. When Shandi starts to get up from the attack Strong charges her. Shandi throws Strong backwards and Strong's head cracks the ringpost. Strong is busted open from the impact. Shandi continuously punches the cut and has blood on her knuckles. Shandi, in a sickening display, looks into the camera and licks the blood off her hand. She turns and Strong slams her in the head with the steel chair. Amazingly, considering the horrendous impact, Shandi revives at only 6. Strong repeatedly hammers Shandi with the chair and when she still gets up, Strong grabs a table and sets it up. Shandi is able to take the action back into the ring where she is immediately greeted with a Sick Kick from Strong, who is writhing in pain because he uses his injured leg to deliver the move. Shandi gets up and knocks Strong down for the sharpshooter, but Strong desperately kicks her away. As Strong is not looking, Shandi exposes the steel turnbuckle. Again, Strong charges Shandi and is thrown backward into the steel. He is still able to answer the count at 8. When Shandi answers the count after the End of Heartache, Shandi grabs four steel chairs and sets them up in the ring. Putting Shandey on the top rope, it appears as if he is going to superplex her onto the chairs. As both competitors are on the top rope, Shandi suddenly counters Roderick's superplex attempt into a backflip STO through the table on the outside!!! Shandey stumbles back to her feet at 9, but Strong does not answer the count, and Shandy retains the title. After the match, Chris Sky comes to the ring and he and Shandi have a staredown as Shandi holds up her title.

The Shandi Essick/Chris Sky World Championship Match has been signed for July 23's episode of RTX Live.
