RTX Cold Day In Hell - August 13, 2016:

Tonight is a night that the RTX Universe has looked forward to for weeks: some of the most anticipated title matches in recent memory are going to take place tonight, including a ladder match for the World Tag Team titles, Bear vs. Lethal vs. Hardy vs. O'Reilly, Sky vs. Edwards vs. Shandi, LeRae & Ryder vs. Gallows & Omega, plus much more!

Inter-Gender Tag Team Match:
Candice LeRae and Zack Ryder defeated Amber Gallows and Kenny Omega:
Both LeRae and Gallows have been in RTX for a little more than two weeks, and both made their television debuts on the same night. Gallows debuted as part of the Bullet Club, and LeRae quickly took the side of the No Remorse Corps. On the August 6 episode of RTX Xtreme, Omega defeated Ryder after interference by Gallows. Then LeRae ran down and chased Omega and Gallows away before issuing the challenge for this match. Surprisingly the action got really out of hand not too many minutes after the opening bell. LeRae and Gallows battled to the commentators' table, where LeRae put Gallows through the table with the Nutsplex. LeRae got back in the ring just in time to break up the pin as Kenny Omega was trying to pin Ryder after the One Winged Angel. Omega threatened to superkick LeRae who struck him between the legs as Ryder was distracting the referee. Ryder hits the Rough Ryder on Omega and pins him to get he and LeRae the win.

RTX Divas' Championship Gauntlet Match;
Gail Kim (c) defeated Velvet Sky, Victoria Muharsky, Riot, Danger, Rayne Sky, Kailyn and Brooke Wylde:
The first two competitors out were Brooke Wylde and Kailyn. The two had a personal issue around the time of Fight Mania but neither had competed since then. A botch occurred shortly before the first elimination where Kailyn blocked a superplex by Brooke and the two went tumbling backward off the top rope to the floor. It seemed to give Kailyn an advantage, as she scored with a Shining Wizard and the Widow's Peak to eliminate Brooke. Next out was Danger, who had been out with an injury for several weeks. Danger made short work of Kailyn and eliminated her with the Danger Drop. Rayne Sky was out next. Again Danger gained the upper hand and dominated Rayne until the Danger Drop put Rayne down for the three count. Out next was Riot, Danger's partner in crime. The two battled as fiercely as they had in the WOW days until Riot backdropped Danger over the top rope. Riot dove over the top rope but Danger caught her and slammed her into the post. Danger put Riot back in the ring and went for the Danger Drop but Riot spun out of it and rolled up Danger to eliminate her. Angrily Danger stormed off. Victoria Muharsky was the next Diva to come out. Riot and Victoria both hit their respective finishers on the other, but were not able to put each other away. After Riot scored a second powerbomb, Danger ran back out and hit Riot with her own bat!! Victoria covered Riot and eliminated her. When Riot got back up she and Danger fought backstage. Gail Kim, the champion, was out next, barely dodging getting run over by Riot and Danger. As it turned out Kim eliminated Victoria with a victory roll counter. Velvet Sky was the final Diva to come out. She and Kim battled for another ten minutes before Kim hits Eat Defeat to retain her title.

James Storm won the Hardcore
Championship in a Triple Threat Match
RTX Hardcore Championship:
James Storm defeated Tiger (c) and Mike Bennett:
This was the rematch of the Hardcore Championship match at World On Fire. Except, despite it being a Hardcore Match, all outside interference was banned. I really didn't keep track of how this one happened. All I can tell you is that Storm hit the Last Call superkick on Bennett and wins the Hardcore Championship!

Ladder Match for the RTX World Tag Team Championship:
Davey Richards & Kyle O'Reilly (c) defeated The Young Bucks:
One of the best matches of the night. The Bucks put up one hell of a fight but in the end it was the champions who prevailed. At one point in the match, the Bucks placed Richards on a ladder set up between the barricade and the apron. Nick flew off the top with a Swanton of his own and put Richards through the ladder. Matt was able to climb to the top of a ladder in the ring and he tried to grab the belts but O'Reilly toppled the ladder and Matt fell nearly 20 feet onto his brother outside. O'Reilly then put his life on the line by jumping off the ladder with a Cross Body onto the Bucks outside the ring. When O'Reilly tried to grab the belts, Adam Cole ran out and struck him between the legs. O'Reilly fell off the ladder and Cole was able to get the Bucks up. The Bucks tried to grab the belts but Jay Lethal ran out and attacked Adam Cole. Lethal pushed the ladder over and both Bucks were crotched on the top rope. Lethal delivered a Lethal Injection on Cole. O'Reilly and Richards then both climbed the ladder and retrieved their titles. 

Triple Threat Match for the RTX World Championship:
Chris Sky (c) defeated Shandi Essick and Eddie Edwards:
Chris staring down Shandi
Shandi earned this rematch because she had been the one Chris defeated to win the title back on July 26. Eddie Edwards had defeated Bobby Lashley recently to win a title match as well. The three competitors started off the match slowly. As it turned out, eventually Edwards and Shandi began double teaming Sky in the corner, then they began brawling. Quickly Shandi gained the upper hand and straddled Edwards on the top rope with a Hot Shot. Shandi went for a Pedigree early but Chris flew off the top rope with a Whisper in the Wind and laid Shandi out. Chris covered Shandi for a two count. Chris hammered Shandi in the corner and Edwards charged Chris from behind. Chris threw Eddie into Shandi. Edwards fell onto his hands and knees, and Chris ran across the ring, jumped off Edwards's back and hit Poetry in Motion on Shandi. Edwards hit a superkick on Chris when the latter turned around. Eddie powerbombed Chris and crawled to the top rope. Chris caught Eddie up top and tried for a superplex. Shandi crawled under Chris and the three did an amazing back suplex/superplex combo spot. Shandi was up first, covering Chris first. When Chris kicked out, Shandi covered Eddie for another two. Shandi goes for a moonsault from the top rope but Edwards rolls away. Before Eddie can capitalize Chris charges from across the ring with a body-breaking spear that nearly turned Shandi inside out. Eddie got in Chris's face and the two argued. Chris pushed Eddie and Eddie pushed back, knocking the champion on his ass. Shandi grabbed Eddie from behind and rolled him up for a two count. Before Edwards got up, Shandi got him with a superkick. Shandi again set up Edwards for the Pedigree but Chris hit an Undertaker-like flying clothesline. Chris attempted Air Psycho on the former champion but Shandi moved. Shandi grabbed Chris and was finally able to hit a Pedigree, but Edwards broke the pin up. Edwards hit the Boston Knee Party on Shandey but Shandi kicked out. Edwards hit a powerbomb to Shandi and crawled back to the top rope, but Shandi slammed him off the top. When Shandi turned Chris hit the lariat clothesline out of the corner. Eddie powerbombed Chris and stacked him up for the pin but Chris kicked out. A series of reversals and Eddie tries to get Chris in a sunset flip but Chris catches his legs and cradles him for the three count. After the match the three NRC members shake hands and embrace.

Fatal Four Way Match for the RTX Championship:
Jay Lethal defeated Bear (c) and Jeff Hardy:
Jay Lethal won the RTX Championship after The Young
Bucks turned on Bear.
The ending of this encounter left the RTX Universing buzzing. The Young Bucks attacked O'Reilly before the match and took him out, leaving Bear to contend with Lethal and Hardy. Bear seemed to have no issue taking them both down with a thunderous clothesline. Bear hammered Hardy in the corner but Lethal rolled Bear up. Bear kicked out before two, and responded with a thunderous bitch slap to Lethal's face. Lethal responded by kicking Bear below the belt. With Bear down, Hardy hits a lariat takedown, slamming the back of Lethal's head into the mat. Hardy traps Lethal in a split-leg pin but gets a two count. Lethal whips Hardy into the turnbuckle where Hardy goes for Whisper in the Wind but Lethal ducks and Hardy hits the mat. Lethal follows with the Lethal Combination, taking Hardy down. Lethal goes to the top rope for Hail to the King but Bear pushes Lethal off the top and Lethal's head smacks the commentators' table. Bear goes outside and spears Lethal through the barricade! As Bear is trying to come back into the ring, Hardy jumps off the top rope and drops a leg across the back of his head. Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate but Bear shoves him. Hardy runs up the turnbuckle and hits Whisper in the Wind on Bear. A similar spot to the one earlier when Lethal comes back in happens. Lethal is down with Bear in the corner. As Hardy goes for Poetry in Motion off of Lethal's back, Bear jumps up and spears him out of mid-air!! Hardy writhes in agony before rolling outside. Bear hits the superman punch on Lethal and Lethal kicks out! Lethal comes back with a Lethal Injection on Bear but Bear kicks out! After Bear is able to hit a spear on Lethal, the lights go out. When they comes back on, The Young Bucks are in the ring. And they double superkick Bear!! The Bucks drop Bear on his head with the Meltzer Driver and run backstage. Bear is dazed but gets up several moments later, only to be hit with a second Lethal Injection from Lethal. Lethal covers Bear and we have a new RTX Champion! So now, Lethal is the RTX and Ring of Honor World Champions! After Lethal leaves the Bucks and Adam Cole run back out and start attacking Bear. Lethal and O'Reilly run back out as well and the duo, along with Bear, begin to assault the Bullet Club. Then Lethal issues the challenge for a six-man tag set for August 16's episode of RTX Xtreme: Bear, Kyle O'Reilly, and Jay Lethal vs. Adam Cole and The Young Bucks! Lethal turns and wants to shake hands with Bear. At first Bear refuses but then shrugs and shakes Lethal's hand. Bear looks at the Bullet Club and folds his arms across his chest, as if to tell them they are dead.


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