RTX Live - July 23, 2016:

Tonight will be a "Championship Showcase" edition of RTX Live, as we will see four championship matches tonight. The Divas', World Tag, World and RTX Championships will be decided tonight. Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky, Shandi Essick vs. Chris Sky, Eddie Edwards vs. Bear and The Young Bucks vs. Davey Richards & Kyle O'Reilly.

RTX Divas' Championship:
Gail Kim (c) defeated Velvet Sky:
With Riot now never getting another RTX Divas' Championship Match because of the loss to Gail at World on Fire, Velvet Sky was the first to step up to challenge the dominant Gail Kim. Sky and Kim were already quite familiar with each other, as they had a trifecta of matches in TNA back in the winter of 2013. That feud was dominated by Sky, giving Sky an early advantage. Kim chose to start off the match with a dive onto Sky through the middle ropes. The battle stayed on the floor for a while before an amazing spot saw Kim reverse a toss into the steps and backflip off the steps onto Sky. Kim hits a straitjacket neckbreaker on Sky back in the ring for a two count. Kim goes for Eat Defeat but Sky reverses into the In Yo' Face for a two count. Sky is stunned and goes for a dive off the top rope. Kim moves and Sky hits the mat. Kim rolls up Sky for a two count. Kim charges Sky in the corner but Sky blocks it and rolls up Kim for another two count. Sky then runs straight into a sickening knee from Kim. Kim follows with Eat Defeat on Sky and pins to retain the Divas' Championship.

RTX World Championship:
Chris Sky (with Barry Windham) defeated Shandi Essick (c):
Chris preparing to dive on Shandi on the floor
A first in this match, as Chris was accompanied to the ring by his trainer and mentor, former member of the Four Horsemen, Barry Windham. Shandi seemed to be overwhelmed by the presence of Windham at ringside. Shandi, however, started off the match quickly with many quick strikes and kicks, looking to take Chris out of his high-flying comfort zone. Chris realized Shandi's plan and countered her strike attack into a quick snap suplex. Already Chris tries for a cover but Shandi kicks out. Chris hammers Shandi into the corner and brings in a chair. He goes for a one-man Poetry In Motion but Shandi moved and Chris straddles himself on the turnbuckle. Shandi hits a belly-to-back suplex from the top rope. Chris kicks out. Shandi kicks the chair out of the ring and manages to deliver a devastating spinning neckbreaker on her knee for another two count. Shandi goes up top for a dive but Chris dropkicks her all the way down to the floor. Chris climbs to the top rope and performs a somersault onto the waiting champion below. Chris springs off the steps with another Poetry In Motion, drilling the champion into the barricade and sending them both into the front row. Chris tosses Shandi back over the barrier and the battle goes back into the ring. Shandi catches Chris as he is coming between the ropes and hits a snap swinging neckbreaker. Chris kicks out. Shandi with a quick Shan-End on Chris and she goes back up top. Shandi goes for the Shansault but Chris moves and hits a Twist of Fate. Chris rips off his shirt and goes for the Air Psycho but Shandi moves and Chris hits the mat. Shandi connects with the Pedigree on Chris but again Chris kicks out! Shandi goes for another Pedigree but Chris backdrops her and hits a devastating running lariat clothesline out of the corner (which he adapted from Windham). The sickening impact of the lariat is enough to put Shandi down, as Chris covers her and gets the win, winning his 4th RTX World Championship!

RTX Championship Match:
Bear defeated Eddie Edwards (c):
A bit of miscommunication is what may have cost Edwards the title in this one. As you'd probably guess, there were numerous interferences by both The Bullet Club and The No Remorse Corps. Most notably, when Kenny Omega ran in on behalf of Bear and hit Eddie with the One Winged Angel. Bear covered Eddie but Eddie kicked out. A super-sized brawl broke out outside the ring between the Bullet Club and the NRC. Bear is able to spear Eddie back in the ring but again Eddie kicks out! Bear hits a superman punch but Eddie manages to get his foot on the rope. Chris Sky lays out Adam Cole on the floor as Bear grabs the RTX Championship belt. As Bear looks to clobber Edwards with the title belt, Sky jumps up onto the apron and snatches the title out of his hands. Bear and Sky start to argue but Bear turns into the Boston Knee Party from Edwards for two. Edwards picks up Bear and goes for the Die Hard but Bear reverses and shoves Edwards into Sky, knocking Sky off the apron as the belt Sky was holding hits Edwards in the head. Bear gets Eddie in an O'Connor Roll from behind with a handful of tights and wins it. Bullet Club is ecstatic, as the NRC are with Eddie in the ring. Stupidly, Chris charges the Bullet Club but gets a double superkick by the Young Bucks.

RTX World Tag Team Championship:
Richards & O'Reilly defeated The Young Bucks (c):
Davey Richards & Kyle O'Reilly cutting a promo about
The Bullet Club before their Tag Team Title victory
Richards and O'Reilly ran to the ring and began to attack the Young Bucks immediately after the Bucks superkick Chris. Both the Bullet Club and the NRC is sent to the back before the bell is rung. Richards and O'Reilly have the advantage in the early stages of the match. At one point, O'Reilly has Nick Jackson (YB) in a Cross Armbreaker and Nick is close to tapping until Matt Jackson hits a moonsault on O'Reilly, breaking up the submission hold. As the Bucks starts to double-team O'Reilly, Adam Cole strolls back down to ringside, staring down at Sky, who is still knocked out cold on the entrance ramp. Meanwhile, Nick hits a Swanton onto O'Reilly and Matt cradles O'Reilly who kicks out. O'Reilly is trying to Richards but Nick superkicks Richards off the apron. When Nick turns around O'Reilly knees him in the face. O'Reilly turns into a superkick from Matt. Nick gets to his feet and the duo attempt More Bang For Your Buck on O'Reilly. O'Reilly gets his knees up as Nick lands and manages to catch Matt in a triangle choke. Nick takes the attention of the referee as Adam Cole gouges the eyes of O'Reilly. Sky is getting to his feet as The Bucks hit the Indy-Taker on O'Reilly back in the ring. The Bucks try to double superkick Richards but Richards ducks and they superkick the referee instead! Richards stands and gets a double superkick (Early Onset Alzheimer's) from the Bucks anyway. Outside the ring, Chris Sky spears Adam Cole through the ring barrier! Back in the ring, the Bucks hit More Bang For Your Buck on Richards. O'Reilly pulls Matt out of the ring as Chris hits Nick with one of the tag title belts and leaves the ring. The referee comes to as Richards gets an arm over Nick, and we have new World Tag Team Champions!! For the first time ever, as we close the show, the Bullet Club is decimated, and the NRC (with new members Richards and O'Reilly) stand tall.
