RTX Live - July 30, 2016:

Tonight is a night of championships, of fate, and of destiny. Both World Championship will be defended tonight! Bear will defend his newly won RTX Championship against Kyle O'Reilly, while Chris Sky defends the RTX World Championship against former Bullet Club mate, "The Cleaner" Kenny Omega, as well as the debuts of two amazing female talents from Ring of Honor.

Six-Person Mixed Tag Team Match:
The No Remorse Corps (Candice LeRae, Eddie Edwards and Zack Ryder) defeated The Bullet Club (Amber Gallows and The Young Bucks):
Both Candice LeRae (left) and Amber Gallows (right) made their
first RTX TV appearances in this match
This match was the first appearance on RTX television of Amber Gallows (Amber O'Neal). She had debuted at a live event on August 1. This was the RTX debut, however, of Candice LeRae, a well-known talent from the independent wrestling circuit that is famous for battling (and mostly defeating) male wrestlers. Her arrival in RTX was something no one saw coming. Edwards, Ryder and the Bucks didn't even wait for the bell to ring before they were attacking each other and their battle quickly spilled to the floor. Meanwhile, Candice and Amber had a staredown in the ring. Amber arrogantly slapped Candice in the face and Candice responded by spearing Amber into the corner and hitting a running dropkick. Outside the ring, the Bucks had Edwards and Ryder on the floor and were stomping them. Candice saw this and climbed up with a moonsault onto the Young Bucks. Candice stood and Amber performed a suicide dive which put Candice down. Amber showboated to the crowd for a minute before putting Candice back in the ring. Amber tried to pin Candice with the Amber Alert German suplex but Candice kicked out. Amber ascended the top rope for the Phoenix splash but Candice rolled out of the way. By now the Bucks and Edwards & Ryder were back up. Candice tagged in Ryder as Amber tagged in Nick Jackson. Ryder knocks Nick down with quick elbows to the face. Nick scoots to the corner and gets met with the Broski Boot from Ryder. Zack goes for the Rough Ryder but Nick throws him backward into the turnbuckle and hits a superkick to the back of the head. Matt Jackson comes in and the Bucks set up for the Meltzer Driver on Ryder but Edwards trips Nick as the latter attempts the springboard and Nick falls in a sickening way to the floor below. This distracts Matt, allowing Candice to come in from behind with the Ballsplex. Amber responds with a superkick on Candice and turns to be face-to-face with Edwards, who powerbombs Amber and awakens Candice, who pins Amber and gets the win for the NRC.

RTX World Championship Match:
Chris Sky (c) defeated Kenny Omega:
Surprisingly, for the first three-quarters of the
Shandi joined the No Remorse
Corps during this match
Chris Sky during his title match with Kenny Omega
match, there was no outside interference by the NRC or the Bullet Club. But Omega showed he would do everything he could to gain total control over RTX. Omega attempted to use brass knuckles, but that was thwarted by the referee. At one point, after a Poetry In Motion off the steel steps by Chris outside the ring, Omega was backed into the corner. Chris attempted to pick Omega up, but Omega tripped him and tried to pin him with his feet on the ropes but Chris kicked out. Omega tried for the One Winged Angel but Chris managed to reverse into a victory roll. Omega kicked out and hit a superkick out of nowhere. Omega then hit the One Winged Angel on Chris but the champion kicked out! Omega, in frustration and desperation, called out the Young Bucks to the ring. Omega and the Bucks then delivered a triple "Too Sweet" Superkick on Chris. Omega and the Bucks then delivered their moonsault/Swanton/450 splash combo on Chris and when Omega tried to cover Chris the lights went out. A crazy shriek of a laugh filled the arena before the chords of "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot played and Shandi Essick made her way to the ring. Shandi scowled angrily as she stormed to the ring. The Bucks and Omega looked surprised by her arrival. Shandi superkicked Matt and delivered a Tombstone on Nick. Shandi turned to Omega and Omega looked terrified. Omega tried to run but Shandi grabbed him by the tights and quickly turned him around into a kiss!! When Shandi broke the kiss Omega rubbed his lips and it looked as if there was blood in his mouth. He tried to hit Shandi but Shandi ducked and spit that blood-red mist into Omega's face. Shandi slipped out of the ring as the referee revived from an earlier attack by the Bucks. Chris managed to roll up Omega from behind and get the three count to retain the title. After the match Shandi came into the ring and she and Chris stared each other down. Chris then grabbed Shandi's hand and raised their arms, so apparently Shandi is a member of the No Remorse Corps now!

After this there was a contract signing for Bear's RTX title defense against Jeff Hardy at Cold Day In Hell. Kyle O'Reilly interrupted the signing and says that Bear has been dodging him because he is afraid to fight the "Ambassador of Kick Ass-ador". Bear says, "You wanna do this, let's do this, right here, right now!".

RTX Championship:
Bear (c) vs. Kyle O'Reilly ended in a no contest:
Jeff Hardy was on commentary for this one. This one really didn't last all that long. Bear and O'Reilly spent the entirety of the contest on the outside of the ring, where O'Reilly kicked Bear numerous times until Bear whipped him into the steel steps. When O'Reilly was able to get Bear in a cross armbreaker, Kenny Omega, Adam Cole and the Young Bucks ran down and attacked him. As the Bullet Club ganged up on Kyle, Chris Sky, Eddie Edwards, Zack Ryder, and Candice LeRae ran down and attacked the Bullet Club. During the brawl, Jeff got up from the commentators' table and attacked Bear before delivering a Twist of Fate in the ring and posing with the title. The Bucks then hit Hardy with a double superkick. Once the NRC was able to battle the Bullet Club away from the ring, Kyle grabbed a microphone and said that, "This obviously didn't end the way I wanted it to, so if I have to, I'll pull double duty at Cold Day In Hell! How about a Triple Threat Match? Bear vs. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Jeff Hardy!! Kyle's wish was granted so now both World title matches at CDIH will be Triple Threat Matches.
