RTX Over the Limit - November 13, 2016:

The day is finally here: Over the Limit. Tonight, feuds will come to a head, wars will be waged, blood will be shed and lives will be changed. Live from Macon Coliseum in Macon, Georgia, it's RTX Over the Limit!

Fatal Four Way Match for the RTX Divas' Championship:
Candice retained her title with help from Shandey
Candice LeRae (c) defeated Velvet Sky, Angelina Love and Madison Rayne:
 Many believe that this match showed that the end of the Beautiful People may be near. After Sky managed to hit the In Yo' Face on Candice, Love broke the pin up and yelled at Sky for trying to "take the title from her". Sky and Love argued and pushed each other, leading to Madison hitting Love in the back of the head with the title belt. Madison takes down love with a Rayne Drop but Sky attacks Rayne. When Love gets back up she and Sky double-team the champion. Then Sky and Love collide when Candice ducks and Love goes outside. Shandi Essick runs in and performs a Shandi-Bomb on Velvet Sky. Candice laughs as Shandey leaves and pins Sky to win it.

Ultimate Revenge Match (No DQ, No Countout):
Riot defeated Danger:
The fans didn't seem to have much interest in this one. There really wasn't a lot of buildup for this one other than Danger turning on Riot during the Anniversary show. Despite that, there was an amazing spot where Danger tried to perform a drive-by kick to Riot on the apron. Riot reversed and hit Danger with her bat, sending Danger spiraling to the floor. Riot then sacrificed herself by diving onto Danger from the ladder in the ring. A few momentum changes back and forth and finally Riot clocks Danger with her bat to get the win.

Triple Threat Match for the vacated Hardcore title:
Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Jay Lethal and Tetsuya Naito:
James Storm, since he was already Tag Team Champion, decided to vacate the Hardcore Championship to "take pressure off himself". He announced that Lethal, Naito, and Tanahashi would battle it out to determine a new champion. At the end of the match, tables had been broken, trashcans and steel chairs dented, Naito and Lethal were on a ladder. Naito hit Destino off the ladder to the mat, with Tanahashi right behind them. Naito didn't have time to get up. As soon as he and Lethal landed, Tanahashi hit High Fly Flow from the top of the ladder onto both of them. Tanahashi then pinned Naito to win the vacated Hardcore championship.

World Tag Team Championship Match:
America's Most Wanted (c) defeated The Young Bucks by DQ:
 Young Bucks won another title shot with a Proving Ground victory over AMW at
James Storm takes a superkick from Nick Jackson
a house show on October 27. And they made good on their title shot....well, almost. After several minutes of AMW working on Nick's injured shoulder, Matt decided he couldn't watch his brother get pummeled anymore. Matt tried to superkick Chris Harris but struck the ref by mistake. Storm immediately handed Harris a beer bottle and Harris struck Matt. The champs pummeled the bloodied Young Bucks until Adam Cole ran down. The referee, ironically enough, happened to get up just in time to see Cole superkick Chris Harris, and called for the DQ. After AMW retreated, it was revealed that the referee had been paid off, and the Bucks were granted a rematch at Tables, Ladders and Chairs.

Parking Lot Brawl for the Divas' Tag Team Championship:
Max Black (c) and Caroline Channing (c) defeated Gail Kim and Amber Gallows:
Max Black's attire for this amazing match
In a candidate for Divas' Match of the Year, these four amazing women proved that they would not only destroy each other, but themselves as well if need be. Max may have proved this the most, as she performed a moonsault onto Kim and Gallows off the top of a nearby fire truck. Caroline, however, was out for a majority of the match after Kim catapulted her into the windshield of a car but it didn't break. Kim and Gallows double-teamed Max until Max slammed Gallows' ankle in the door of a truck. Max grabbed a pipe wrench out of a car and hit Kim with it. When Caroline did recover, she performed a facebuster on Kim onto the hood of the same car. Max climbed back onto the fire truck and dove onto Kim, who lay prone on the hood of the car. Gallows grabbed the pipe wrench and hit both Max and Caroline with it. As Gallows gloated, Chris Sky came out of nowhere and performed a DDT to Gallows on the concrete. Sky then rolled Caroline onto Gallows and Sugar 'n' Spice retain the titles.

 RTX and ROH Title Unification Match (Street Fight)
Bear (with Becky Lynch and AJ Lee) (RTX Champ) defeated Adam Cole (RTX World Champ):
Mark it down on your calendars: Adam Cole's "extraordinary" Ring of Honor
Bear unified the RTX and ROH Championships
World Championship run has finally ended at the hands at one of his most formidable adversaries. This match traveled through nearly every inch of the Macon Coliseum, and even outside of it. Bear chased the ROH champ all through the halls of the arenas until the battle spilled outside, where Cole gained the advantage hitting Bear with a low blow. Cole grabbed the piece of metal he had used on Bear before and attempted to swing it at Bear. Becky Lynch grabbed it out of his hand. Making a huge mistake, Cole grabbed Lynch and kissed her. Cole turned into a superman punch from Bear that fans cringed at the sound of. Cole is now bleeding from his nose but Bear shows no remorse, as well he shouldn't. The battle spills back to ringside, where Bear spears Cole through the ring barrier! Bear throws Cole back in the ring but The Young Bucks run out and begin to attack Bear, dropping him with a double superkick and a cringe-enducing Meltzer Driver on the floor. As the Young Bucks roll Bear back in the ring, Chris Sky and Jay Lethal run out and begin to attack the Bucks. Trying to stop the brawl, Cole dives over the top, taking out Sky and Lethal, and even his own allies the Bucks. Cole once again picks up the piece of metal and this time clobbers a dazed Bear with it. Cole turns and gets Chokeslammed by Sky. Sky puts Bear on Cole for the pin but Cole kicks out! Bear hits a spear for another two. AJ Lee sets up a ladder between the ring apron and the barrier as Cole slides to the apron. As he stands, Bear spears him from the apron, snapping the ladder in half!! Bear grips his shoulder upon impact. But he is still able to roll Cole back in the ring. He sets up a chair and hits a top rope Bear Back Breaker onto the chair and breaking it! Bear gets the pin, retains his title and is crowned new Ring of Honor Champion!

Triple Threat Match for the RTX World Championship:
Chris Sky (with Paige and Noah Earnest) (c) defeated Kevin Owens and Eddie Edwards:
Before this match, Noah, a friend of Sky's from high school, showed up as
Sky's entrance for the match
Chris's new love. Chris told Edwards that nothing could replace Noah. He finished the interview by saying that both Owens and Edwards "were going straight to hell" tonight. The match started with Edwards immediately targeting his longtime ally. Owens pulled Edwards off of Sky to get to Sky himself. Edwards and Owens bickered over who would beat up Sky, allowing Sky to run both of them over with a clothesline. Sky tossed Owens outside and turned his attention to Edwards. Backed into the corner, Edwards tried to fight back with thunderous chops but Sky responded, grabbing Edwards by the throat and throwing him into the corner. Sky tried another clothesline but Edwards moved and Sky collided with the turnbuckle. Edwards tried to roll up Sky for the victory but Owens broke it up. Later on the battle between the three spilled to the floor, where Edwards was busted open after being slammed into the ring post by Owens. Sky hits Owens with a running DDT onto the floor. Sky put Owens back in the ring and tried a pin but Owens kicked out. As Sky went to Tombstone Owens, Edwards jumped up on the apron. Sky kicked Edwards off the apron, but Owens rolled up Sky. Owens put his feet on the rope but, luckily, Bear showed up just in time to knock his feet off. Owens cursed at Bear but turned into a Twist of Hate from Sky. Owens kicked out!!! As Sky stared down in disbelief at Owens, Edwards lunged from the top with a foot stomp to his back. Edwards got an arm over Sky but Sky kicked out! Edwards hits the Die Hard on Sky, but again Sky kicks out!! In frustration, clearly trying to get under Sky's skin, Edwards goes after Noah outside the ring. Paige stops Edwards with a kick to the nether region, allowing Noah to jump off the apron with a spinning DDT to Edwards on the floor. Sky is seen smiling at Noah. Owens tries to surprise Chris with a pop-up powerbomb but Sky reversed. 2nd Twist of Hate by Chris on Owens and Sky then Sky climbs a ladder he brought in, delivering a captivating Air Psycho onto Owens. Sky is then able to pin him to retain the title. After the match Edwards again tries to attack Noah but Bear and Sky overwhelm him. To rub it in, they handcuff Edwards to the ropes and make him watch as Sky kisses Noah before celebrating.
