RTX Hunt3d - January 13, 2017

Live from San Diego, California, welcome to the 10th annual Hunt3d PPV! As per usual, three titles were expected to be on the line tonight: The Divas Tag, and both World Titles. A triple threat match for the World Title featuring Chris Sky defending against Shandi Essick and Davey Richards, Adam Cole gives Kyle O'Reilly one final shot at the RTX title in a Title vs. Career Match, as well as Velvet Sky and Max Black defending the Divas' Tag Titles against Meagan Shelley (subbing for an injured Angelina Love) and Caroline Channing. So, let's begin with the action!!

World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Match (title shot for winners at Lost Minds on February 11): Bear and Tiger defeated Sting and Kevin Nash:
Nash and Sting wanted another shot to win the titles back, but only had to get through Too Extreme to do it. That would not be an easy task to accomplish. In Bear and Tiger's first tag match together in over a year, they surprisingly dominated the veterans for the most part until Bear took a big boot from Nash. As Nash attempted to Jackknife Bear early on, Tiger flew from the top with a shotgun dropkick, sending Nash to the outside. Sting responded with a clothesline of his own sending Tiger outside. Sting then performed a Suicide Dive onto Tiger and even took Nash down in the process. Sting howled to the crowd and got back in the ring, but was caught by Bear with a Bear Back Breaker, which Sting managed to kick out of!! Bear was shocked and continued to hammer at the veteran. Nash came back in and surprised Bear with a sidewalk slam. Tiger tried to stop Nash but took a Jackknife from him instead. With Sting down, Bear speared Nash out of nowhere and pulled Tiger over for the victory.

RTX Divas' Tag Team Championship - No Holds Barred:
The Beautiful People (Max Black and Velvet Sky) (c) defeated Daughters of Darkness (Caroline Channing and Meagan Shelley):
Velvet (right) and Max's Beautiful entrance
Angelina Love was supposed to team with Caroline, but after being injured by the Beautiful People when she was thrown off a balcony at the Supershow almost a week ago, Love could not compete, leaving Meagan Shelley to take her place. Ironically, Caroline would also be injured in this match after Caroline and Max battled on the top rope. Caroline tried a move but Max backdropped her and Caroline landed on the metal guardrail that was scaffolded between the apron and the ring barrier. Meagan snuck up behind Max and pushed her, sending Max through a table right next to Caroline. Meagan then tried her Beauty Guillotine on Velvet, but Sky rolled away and Meagan landed on a steel chair she had laid Sky's head on. Velvet grabbed the loaded Ugly Stick from Madison Rayne at ringside and hit Meagan with it. Sky then performed the In Yo' Face onto the steel chair and pinned Meagan to get she and Max the victory to retain their titles.

"Loaded Glove" Ladder Match:
Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James
After another absence, James returned on the January 7 episode of RTX Live and challenged Madison Rayne to this match. Rayne had turned on James a month before when she joined the Beautiful People. The rules of this match are that you can only win by pinfall. At several points in this match, James looked to have it won, including after the Mickie DDT off the apron through a table. James grabbed the glove and looked to use it on Rayne but Velvet Sky and Max Black ran out and attacked her long enough to allow Madison to get back up. Sky and Max threw the ladder at James, who was in the corner and left ringside. Rayne recuperated and grabbed the glove off the mat. James stumbled over to her and Rayne punched her with the glove. Instead of trying for the pin, Rayne showboated. Rayne then picked up a knocked out Mickie James and hit the Rayne Check (guillotine drop neckbreaker) for the pin and the win.

RTX Championship Title vs. Career Steel Cage Match:
Adam Cole vs. Kyle O'Reilly - if O'Reilly loses, he must leave RTX:
 After regaining the title on January 5, Cole granted O'Reilly his rematch, but added the stipulation that if O'Reilly lost, he would have to leave the company. Cole agreed that there would be no Bullet Club interference, and to make sure, O'Reilly had a steel cage come down around the ring. Cole was reluctant to get in the cage with his one-time partner, so O'Reilly chased after him on the floor. Cole, however, was suckering O'Reilly in, tossing him backward into the cage and busting him open early on. Afterward Cole threw O'Reilly into the cage and the door was locked. Cole immediately tried to escape over the top rope but stopped and decided to inflict more punishment on O'Reilly instead. Cole smashed O'Reilly into every side of the cage but O'Reilly seemed to be getting angrier with each blow. Cole tried a superkick but O'Reilly elbowed him between the legs.O'Reilly tried to roll up Cole but Cole kicked out. O'Reilly climbs up top and pulls a bolt off the cage and uses it on Cole repeatedly. Cole is now bleeding as well. O'Reilly escapes through the door but Cole has the attention of the referee and the ref does not see it. In frustration, O'Reilly grabs a chair, comes back in the cage, and nails Cole in the back of the head. O'Reilly wraps the chair around Cole's arm and applies the armbar. Cole rolls over into the pin but O'Reilly reverses it but again Cole manages to get out of it. Both men attempt to escape over the top of the cage. O'Reilly has the bolt in his hand and nails Cole, who falls to the mat. O'Reilly attempts to escape. Cole promised no Bullet Club inteference, but that doesn't stop The Young Bucks from coming out and pushing Kyle back into the cage. Once Kyle is back in, Cole rolls him up from behind and grabs the tights but Kyle reverses at the last second and bridges back into a pin for the three count! Cole and the Bucks are shocked! Instead of attacking Kyle, the Bullet Club walk dejectedly back up the ramp as Kyle celebrates his 2nd RTX title victory.

RTX World Tag Team Championship:
The Young Bucks defeated Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong:
The Bucks retained the titles despite somebody throwing a rock at Matt
Only three titles were expected to be on the line tonight. However, after the Bucks' attack, an impromptu title match was made with the Bucks defending against the Dojo Bros. This match had a very comedic ending, but it didn't stop Bullet Club from holding onto their gold. Throughout the entire match, a fan was constantly irritating the Young Bucks. By the end of the match, the Bucks had laid out Edwards on the outside, hitting the Meltzer Driver on Strong back in the ring. Before they could go for the pin, the fan began to argue with them. The Bucks yelled back at him, and then the man threw what appeared to be a rock at the Bucks, hitting Matt in the side of the face but narrowly missing Nick. Matt fell in pain to the ground. Nick was stunned but hit one final superkick to a dazed Roddy Strong and pinned him to retain. Meanwhile, Matt was helped out by Nick. Later on, it was updated Matt had sustained no serious injuries.
Chris backstage before the match
 Before the final match, Chris Sky is shown backstage getting ready when Eddie Edwards walks in. Sky seems surprised to see him. Edwards looks as if he is going to apologize but Sky cuts him off and says, "No I'm sorry. I'm the one who turned on you. We really had something special and I took it all for granted, and that was wrong, and I'm really sorry, Eddie". The two look as if they are going to make up but Davey walks in, breaking it up and arguing with Sky, who left him face down in blood a few weeks ago. Sky ultimately slaps Richards in the face when the latter makes a rather unflattering remark about Sky and Edwards, and heads to the ring. 

RTX World Championship Triple Threat Match:
Chris Sky (c) defeated Davey Richards and Shandi Essick
Richards attacks Sky before he can get to the ring. Richards then goes after
HBK returned to RTX during this match
Shandi inside the ring, and quickly gains the upper hand despite Shandi scratching the eyes. Richards seemed hell-bent on ending this match early. He hits the shoot kick to the side of Shandi's head early on, but Sky runs into the ring an attacks him before he can pin her. Sky knocks Richards into the corner and hammers him repeatedly. Sky then springs off of Shandi's back with Poetry in Motion to Richards. Sky turns but is superkicked by Shandi, who is bitching about Sky stepping on her back. Shandi sets up for what appears to be a powerbomb, but Sky twists out of and reverses into a double legdrop to Shandi's abdomen. Follow dropkick to the face for a two count. Richards sneaks up behind Sky with a rollup for two. Sky and Richards exchange chops until Shandi clothesline them both over the top rope to the floor. She tries a top rope dive but Richards pulls Sky in harms way and Shandi takes out Sky. Richards slams Shandi into the steps and throws her back in. Amazingly, Shandi is up quickly and knees Richards in the face and cradles him for another two. Shandi pulls her tarantula, Fang, out of a lockbox and attempts to put it on Richards. Sky takes her down with a spinning elbow to the face, then quickly puts the tarantula back in its box. Sky measures Richards and hits a Twist of Hate out of nowhere. Shandi breaks up the pin. Shandi grabs the lockbox and hits Sky in the head with it. Richards throws Shandi outside and tries to pin Sky but Sky kicks out! Richards pulls a chain from out of Shandi's lockbox and tries to punch Sky. Sky ducks it and lands another Twist of out nowhere. He hits the Air Psycho and covers but Mike Bennett runs in and pulls him off before dropping him with the Box Office Smash. The Young Bucks run out and attack Bennett and chase him backstage. Richards picks the chain up again and this time punches Sky with it. Suddenly, Shawn Michaels runs in and takes down Richards with Sweet Chin Music!! Michaels helps Sky up and Sky is stunned, but follows with a third Twist of Fate on Richards for the pin. After the match, Michaels sticks out his hand. At first, Sky refuses but amazingly shakes Michaels' hand, putting an end to over a year and a half of tension between the two*.

*Shawn and Chris had an epic rivalry in the Summer of 2015 after Shawn had helped Jay Lethal and Caleb Essick beat Sky and Adam Cole, ending Eddie Edwards' career in the process. The feud ended on August 16 when Sky defeated Michaels in a ladder match to get Edwards his job back.
