RTX Lost Minds - Feb. 11, 2017:

RTX held its ninth annual Lost Minds pay per view last night in Toledo, Ohio. Tonight we will have seven matches in all, with four championship matches. Tonight's show has an elimination theme, with many of the following matches being elimination matches.

RTX Divas' Championship Match:
Madison Rayne (w/ Max Black) (c) defeated Caroline Channing (w/ Meagan Shelley):
Rayne hitting the Scissor Stomp
Both Shelley and Black were warned by the official ahead of time that if he caught either of them interfering in this match, then that person would be suspended indefinitely. Shelley didn't seem to take the advice seriously, as you will see. It almost seemed as if Max and Meagan didn't even notice each other until the very late stages of the match. At one point, Rayne was legitimately, but momentarily, knocked out when Channing avoided a spear off the apron and Rayne landed face first on the floor. Channing did manage to get Rayne covered back in the ring but Rayne kicked out. As the referee started the ten count on Rayne, Channing took the turnbuckle cover off. Rayne dodged a kick to the gut and hit a high step up kick. Moments later Channing tried to ram Rayne into the exposed turnbuckle, but the referee saw it and started to put it back on. Shelley tried to slide a foreign object to Channing while the ref's back was turned, but Max slapped Shelley with a superkick out of nowhere. Channing reached out to grab Max but Rayne kicked Channing in the back of the knee as she was leaned over the rope. Rayne connects with the Rayne Drop on Channing and gets the victory to retain the title!

Six-Diva Elimination Tag:
Velvet Sky, Max Black and Becky Lynch defeated Angelina Love, Meagan Shelley and Alexa Bliss:
Sky was the sole survivor of the elimination match
Black and Shelley stayed in the ring after the first bout and were already battling as their partners ran out. There wasn't even any ring introductions for this contest because the Divas were already battling. Sky scored the first elimination of the match at close to the five-minute mark when she pinned Alexa Bliss after the Beauty-T moments after Lynch hit Bliss with the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship belt behind the referee's back. After she managed to revive, Bliss jumped back up on the apron. Lynch had Shelley in the Dis-Arm Her submission, but let go of it to knock Bliss off the apron. Shelley hits the Broken Dreams backbreaker on Lynch and pins Lynch to eliminate her. Lynch and Bliss then begin brawling on the floor. Meanwhile, Max hits Shelley with one of the Divas' Tag title belts just moments after Shelley eliminated Lynch, and Shelley is eliminated. About a minute later, Sky and Max mistakenly collide. Love pins Max with a backslide and feet on the bottom rope to eliminate her. Love later goes for a Botox Injection, but Max takes the attention of the referee, allowing Sky to spray Love in the face with hairspray in mid-kick. Sky hits the In Yo' Face and pins Love to win it for her team.

RTX World Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match:
Bear & Tiger defeated The Young Bucks and Edge & Christian (c):
This match was originally scheduled to be Edge & Christian defending against Bear & Tiger, but moments before the contest could begin, The Young Bucks came out and said they deserved to be in this match because they had cheated out of title shots numerous times by Bear and Tiger. The Bucks also made unflattering remarks about what Bear and Tiger might look like under their masks, and the Bucks are officially added to this match. Confusing ending to this one. Edge is taken out of the match early after a Indy Taker by the Young Bucks on the ramp. Christian attempts to fight it alone for several minutes before Edge manages to come back in with the Edgecution on Tiger. Bear clotheslines Edge and Christian over the top rope to the floor. Bear turns into a double superkick from the Bucks. Bucks go for More Bang For Your Buck on Bear and connect but Tiger pulls Nick out of the ring before the latter can pin Bear and slams him into the post. As Matt fights Tiger on the apron, a man in a black hoodie and black mask slides a steel chair to Bear. Matt knocks Tiger off the apron but turns around and gets smacked with the steel chair by Bear (it's allowed, as per the No-DQ stipulations of 3 ways, 4 ways, etc). Bear pins Matt Jackson after the interference and we have new World Tag Team Champions! Fans are left confused by what just happened, and we are all left wondering who that was.

2-out-of-3 Falls Match:
Eddie Edwards defeated Lashley 2-1
Eddie managed to upset the Destroyer
Lashley and Edwards have now had issues going as far back as July of 2016, when they were at odds over unifying the TNA World and X-Division Championships. Now, they were seeking to end this issue once and for all. In the upset of the night, Edwards managed to pull out a victory over Lashley, two falls to one. At the end of the first fall, Lashley tried a spear on Edwards, who was backed against the ring post, but Edwards moved, and Lashley struck the steel post shoulder first. Edwards got Lashley back in the ring and hit the Boston Knee Party to win the first fall, much to the surprise of even himself. Lashley bounced back to win fall two. Edwards kept working on the arm after fall two began, until Lashley managed to break out of a cross armbreaker by Edwards. Edwards then decided to work on the legs of the Destroyer, stomping on both legs repeatedly. After Lashley kicked out of a second Boston Knee Party, Edwards clamped on the Achilles' Lock. Lashley tried to break it grabbing the ropes but Edwards pulled him back to center of the ring. Lashley then managed to roll out of the hold and roll Edwards up, putting his feet on the ropes for leverage to win the second fall. Immediately after the third fall began, Lashley hit the Dominator on Edwards, but Edwards kicked out! Lashley tried another spear, but again Edwards used a drop toe hold, and Lashley struck the exposed turnbuckle that was exposed by Caroline Channing earlier in the night. Edwards rolled Lashley up and bridged into a pin to win the final fall. Edwards extended his hand after the match, and Lashley shockingly shook it before leaving the ring.

No. 1 Contenders' Match - Triple Threat Elimination:
Caleb & Shandi Essick defeated The Shield (Reigns and Rollins) and Mike Bennett & Randy Orton:
Another upset victory. This match was held to determine who Bear & Tiger's opponents would be come March 18th at Victory Road. The Shield were surely the favorites of this match, but that changed quickly at around the fourteen minute mark. Reigns and Caleb are battling on the floor as Shandi and Orton are as well. Reigns missed a spear on Caleb and crashes head-first through the barricade. As the referee is trying to break up the melee outside the ring, Kevin Owens sneaks in behind his back and delivers a pop up powerbomb on Rollins, just moments after the latter delivered a Pedigree on Bennett. Owens rolled Bennett onto Rollins and the shield is eliminated!! The action is restored somewhat after this but Caleb and Shandi's focus is obviously impaired by Owens being at ringside. Bennett capitalizes on this with a TKO on Caleb. Meanwhile, the Shield runs back out and begins fighting with Reigns and Orton outside the ring. Shandi steals a page out of Bennett's playbook and low-blows him, following it with a jumping tornado DDT (a la Mickie James), then pins Bennett to earn herself and Caleb a Tag Team Championship match.

RTX Championship Submission Match:
Kyle O'Reilly (c) defeated Adam Cole
A big bombshell was dropped on the RTX Universe in the course of this match. O'Reilly and Cole wanted to write the final chapter in their rivalry once and for all with this match, but considering how it ended and the events later on in the show, it's only just begun. The only way to win this match is by making your opponent submit. There are no disqualifications, no countouts and no pinfalls. Cole took full advantage of the No DQ rule when he hits O'Reilly's bad shoulders with a chair as it was propped against the ring post. Cole tried several attempts at the Figure Four leglock back in the ring but O'Reilly thwarted almost every attempt until Cole caught him as he attempted a missile dropkick. O'Reilly was then forced to reverse the hold because reaching the ropes would not count. After both men got back to their feet Cole kicks O'Reilly in the knee and connects with the Last Shot. He again goes for the Figure Four but somehow O'Reilly reverses it into the triangle choke. Cole manages to get a powerbomb out of it but now both men are down. Chris Sky and The Young Bucks run out, which surely can not be good for O'Reilly. The Young Bucks hold O'Reilly up and want Cole to hit him with a chair but Sky suddenly attacks the Young Bucks out of nowhere and plant them both with Chokeslams. Cole is shocked and swings the chair at Sky but Sky ducks, kicks Cole in the gut and drops him with a double underhook piledriver (Sky Driller), a move Cole knows all too well. O'Reilly looks stunned as well but clamps the Cross Armbreaker on Cole. Cole taps, and O'Reilly retains! After the match, Chris Sky grabs the mike and not only reveals that he had been the one that helped Bear and Tiger win earlier, but that him "turning on" O'Reilly at New Years Knockout, and every subsequent event between then and now, had all been a big conspiracy between he and O'Reilly just to play mind games with the Bullet Club!

RTX World Championship - Triple Threat Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Match:
Roderick Strong (c) defeated Chris Sky and Davey Richards:
Strong was pretty much the third wheel in this match. The real issue here (and that's a mild statement, I know) was between Sky and Richards, due to Richard's betrayal of Eddie Edwards during a TNA TV taping last month. Because of this, Sky attacked Richards before the latter could get to the ring, throwing Richards off the stage and delivering a Tombstone Piledriver to Angelina Love on the ramp. Sky and Strong fought back and forth for about 20 minutes with Richards watching cowardly from the floor, until Sky hits the Air Psycho on Roddy. As Sky goes to pin Strong, Richards pulls him out of the ring and they brawl until Sky throws the steel steps at Richards. Sky delivers a Sister Abigail-style move to Richards on the steps, then pulls out a table, and uses the steps to knock Richards onto the table. Sky climbs up top as Strong is recovering, and delivers an Air Psycho onto Richards, through the table to the floor. Sky gets an arm over Richards and he's eliminated. Now we're down to the champion and the former champion. Strong is steel reeling from the Air Psycho but catches Sky with a knee right when Sky comes back in the ring. Sky kicks out. Sky blocks an attempt at the Death By Roderick and sends Roddy outside, then misses a somersault plancha over the top rope and hits the floor. Strong puts Sky back in the ring and clamps on the Strong Hold. After Roddy pulls him back to the center of the ring when he tries to get to the ropes, Sky tries to twist out of it, but Strong catches him with a cradle but Sky kicks out. Roddy goes for the Gibson Driver, but Sky reverses into the Sister Abigail. Sky goes for the Air Psycho on Strong and connects again!! Before he can pin him, Adam Cole and the Young Bucks come onto the ramp with a bloodied Kyle O'Reilly and begin attacking him even more. Sky runs up the ramp and chases Bullet Club off but when he gets back in the ring Roddy slaps him with the Sick Kick and covers him to retain the title. Bullet Club comes back out and throws O'Reilly in the ring, then begin beating him down along with Sky. Bear, Tiger and Eddie Edwards run out and attack Bullet Club, with Bear finally spearing Adam Cole almost in half. Bear, Tiger and Edwards help Sky and O'Reilly up the ramp, and it looks like the No Remorse Corps are back!!
