RTX Redemption - February 8, 2017:

Last night RTX held a special live PPV, Redemption, in place of RTX Xtreme. Tonight, we will see feuds come to a head, a new rivalry continue, and two best friends battling for the ultimate prize. Kyle O'Reilly could not attend after being injured by Adam Cole recently, so the RTX Championship will not be decided tonight. So, live from Auburn Hills, Michigan, welcome to RTX Redemption!

RTX Divas' Tag Team Championship - Fight Without Honor:
Max Black & Velvet Sky (c) defeated Caroline Channing & Meagan Shelley:
Velvet Sky after pinning Caroline
 It's a bitter and personal feud that's been going on ever since TLC back in December, when Caroline Channing and Meagan Shelley were revealed to be the culprits of the kidnapping of Chris Sky's best friend Shawn Spencer. It all comes to a head here in the one of the most brutal matches in wrestling history. A first in RTX, we saw a Diva bleed during this match, as Meagan was busted open after being smacked in the face with the ring bell by Max. Caroline fought dirty as you'd expect by kicking Velvet between the legs, followed by hitting her with a steel chair. Channing & Shelley looked as if they'd have the titles won soon after when Angelina Love delivered the Lights Out on Max onto a chair, but Madison Rayne attacked Love and hit her in her injured shoulder with a chair. Madison, just for the hell of it, also smashed Caroline with the chair before she left. Max delivers a Fade to Black to Meagan on the floor as Velvet recovers in the ring and delivers a brutal, skull-smashing In Yo' Face to Caroline on the steel steps, then covered her for the victory!

Steel Cage Match for the RTX Divas' Championship:
Madison Rayne (c) defeated Mickie James:
Becky Lynch returned to RTX during this match
 Rayne and James have been feuding for a while as well, ever since Rayne turned on James to reunite with the Beautiful People. At one point, Becky Lynch was seen watching this match from ringside, taunting James as the latter tried to escape the cage on numerous occasions. James was so frustrated with Lynch that she dove onto Rayne from the top of the cage. As she tried to escape again, Lynch slammed the steel cage door on her head. Alexa Bliss came out of the crowd and began brawling with Lynch but was ultimately slammed into the door with such force that it broke the cage door off of its hinges. Madison picked up James and planted her with Rayne Drop, then gets an arm over her for the victory. After the match, Bliss comes in the cage and attacks Rayne but Lynch fights her off and holds up the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship belt.

Shawn Michaels defeated Mike Bennett in a Street Fight:
 Bennett came out to brag about how his team beat Chris Sky and humiliated them a week ago. Shawn Michaels came to the ring to shut The Prodigy up, and a subsequent Street Fight was made, with both men still in their street clothes. Bennett, at one point, used Maria as a shield and caused Maria to be inadvertently superkicked by Michaels. Michaels was stunned at what had just happened allowing Bennett to hit him from behind with a chair. Bennett put Michaels back in the ring and hammered him repeatedly on the back and legs with the chair. Bennett gloated to the crowd but Michaels was quickly up and speared Bennett, hammering him with right hands. Michaels went for Sweet Chin Music but Bennett ducked. Bennett stumbled to the apron where Maria slapped him in the face!! Michaels with an atomic drop, followed by the running forearm. Michaels put the chair on Bennett's face and hit the elbow off the top. Michaels finally hits the Sweet Chin Music on Bennett for the victory. After the match, Maria berates and verbally abuses Bennett before walking off.

World Tag Team Championship 3 Way Elimination Match:
Edge & Christian defeated The Young Bucks and Caleb & Shandi Essick:
 Bear and Tiger anxiously watched from ringside, wanting to see who their opponents would be for the titles this Saturday night at Lost Minds, thinking surely that Edge and Christian would not win. The first elimination took place with little more than fourteen minutes gone, and it was shockingly the Bucks eliminated. After Edge and Christian got into a scuffle with Bear & Tiger at ringside, The Young Bucks dove onto Edge & Christian outside the ring. The distraction allowed Shandi to Pedigree Nick as Caleb caught Matt with a Twist of Fate as the latter came through the ropes, with the siblings simultaneously pinning the Bucks. Edge and Christian managed to retain the titles despite Bear and Tiger being at ringside, once again using the double team tactics. Shandi hits the Pedigree on Edge as Caleb and Christian are battling outside. Christian slams Caleb into the post and drops Shandi with the Unprettier, allowing Edge to pin Shandi to retain the titles.

Six-Man Tag Match:
The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins) defeated AJ Styles, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens:
Since Orton's return to RTX, the Shield have been hot on his trail. Styles and Owens seemed to be more than appropriate partners for Orton. They also gave the Shield a run for their money, presumably because Orton delivered an RKO to Rollins on the floor shortly after the match began. Roman Reigns eventually evened the odds late in the match when he speared Owens through the barricade and roared to the crowd. Styles was left with Ambrose in the ring. Styles tried the springboard forearm on Ambrose, but Rollins came out of nowhere and tripped Styles in mid-air and Styles fell flat on his face. Ambrose hits the Dirty Deeds on Styles but before he can pin him, Orton hits an RKO on Ambrose. Rollins responds with a running Curb Stomp to Orton. Reigns comes in and spears Orton. Owens manages to break up the pin and powerbomb Reigns. Rollins kicks Owens and delivers the Pedigree for the pin to get the Shield the victory.

RTX World Championship:
Roderick Strong defeated Chris Sky (c):
4x and current World Champ Roderick Strong
Strong had won the Number one contenders spot to the World title back on the February 4 episode of RTX Live by defeating Randy Orton with help from the Shield. He and Sky definitely gave the fans their money's worth, and the seven month title reign of Sky was finally ended at the hands of his No Remorse Corps teammate. The two shook hands before the match, and started with a collar-and-elbow tie up with Strong breaking cleanly in the corner. Sky and Strong exchanged headscissors and pinfall attempts and got a nice round of applause from the audience. The two lock up again, with Strong getting Sky into the corner and hitting several thunderous chops. Strong whips Sky to the other side of the ring and charges him but Sky moves and begins to responds with chops of his own. Sky tries a running splash in the corner but Strong rolls out of the way. Strong rolls up Sky for a two count. Sky charges Strong but gets backdropped out of the ring. Strong with a hilo over the top rope. He attempts to ram Sky into the steps, but Sky manages to backflip off the steps and over Roddy. He runs at Roddy but the veteran throws Sky backward into the ring post. The referee is being lenient with the count at this point, knowing what is on the line. Seconds later a Poetry in Motion off the steel steps by Sky sends both men over the barricade and into the front row. Sky throws Roddy back into the ring and covers for a two count. Sky locks in a Sharpshooter on Strong but Strong manages to reverse into a cradle for 2. Strong and Sky begin to slug it out in the center but Strong gets the upper hand with a knee strike to the face. Strong goes for the Gibson Driver but Sky reverses into a Jackknife cover for a two count. Sky goes for a Tombstone Piledriver but Roddy turns it into one of his own. Roddy covers and gets another two count. Roddy locks on the Strong Hold. Sky tries to get the ropes but Strong pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Sky attemps to twist out of it but Roddy catches him in a pin for another two count. Roddy goes for the Death by Roderick but Sky reverses into a reverse Twist of Fate. Air Psycho by Sky but Roddy kicks out! Another Air Psycho attempt by Sky but Strong moves out of the way. Death by Roderick followed by a Sick Kick but Sky kicks out!! Strong goes for the End of Heartache. Sky cradles him for another two. The crowd is chanting "This is awesome!". Sky goes for a Whisper in the Wind and misses, but manages to land on his feet. Strong hits a jumping knee to the back of the head. This time Roddy hits the End of Heartache. When Sky kicks out again, Roddy almost curses the referee. Second Sick Kick by Roddy nearly turns Sky inside out. End of Heartache by Roddy for a second time. Finally, Strong hits the Gibson Driver on Sky and gets the three count, and for the fourth time, Roderick Strong is the RTX World Champion!! When Sky gets up, he shakes hands with the new champ and holds Roddy's arm up before leaving the ring.
