RTX 10th Anniversary Show - November 7, 2017:

We're back!! RTX has returned!! The company had to close because ongoing legal battles about personal family matters have kept the company from being properly run. Again, all apologies. If ya wanna blame anybody, blame my she-witch of an aunt and my backstabbing cousins. Video packages will be shown throughout the show, featuring moments from historical Anniversary Shows past. Most of the matches will be either Fatal Four Way or Triple Threat. Without any further ado, RTX's 10th Anniversary Show, live from Greensboro, North Carolina!!

RTX Divas Championship - Fatal Four Way
Paige defeated Sasha Banks, Angelina Love and Meagan Shelley:
Paige after winning the Divas Championship
 Paige already tasted gold when she had a run as RTX Divas' Champion in 2014, giving her an early advantage. Love also had a reign as champion at the end of 2016. A notable difference here is that Meagan has completely changed her look. She is now a goth chick, with her hair cut fairly short and died a dark red color. Unsurprisingly, Shelley and Love worked together during this match until Sasha ducked at one point, causing them to collide. Love and Shelley would then begin arguing, allowing Paige to hit Meagan from behind, ultimately knocking Love to the floor. As Paige tried to execute the RamPaige on Meagan, Sasha surprised her with a backbreaker. Sasha applied the Banks Statement on Paige, but Meagan kicked Sasha in the face before Love pulled Shelley to the outside and they battled. Paige picked up Banks and hit the RamPaige to capture her second Divas' Championship!

RTX 8th Anniversary Show - 10/28/15: Chris Sky vs. Caleb Essick in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match for the RTX World Championship ended with Sky reclaiming the title (which he had lost at Cold Day in Hell) after interference by Shandi Essick backfired.

Women of Honor Grudge Match
Deonna Purazzo defeated Karen Q:
Followers of Ring of Honor will recognize this feud as being one of the most personal in Women of Honor history. Karen and Deonna were once best friends. That is, until Karen turned on Deonna during a WOH match with Kelly Klein. Most recently, Karen defeated Deonna with the help of a steel chair. Mandy Leon, who had witnessed that travesty of justice, would aid in this match. When the referee went down after a botched cross body by Karen, Karen grabbed a steel chair from outside the ring. Mandy came from the crowd, kicking Karen in the gut and delivering a DDT onto the chair. Mandy slid the chair outside as Deonna covered Karen for the victory.

RTX Intercontinental Championship - Triple Threat
Seth Rollins defeated Tiger and Jeff Hardy:
Recent problems between Bear and Tiger lead to the outcome of this one. Hardy had the home field advantage. At the start, Rollins and Hardy backed Tiger into a corner and double teamed him, with Rollins then doing the Poetry in Motion with Hardy. Rollins and Hardy began to battle, at one point with Rollins blocking a charge from Hardy and backdropping him to the floor. Tiger then flew over the top with an inverted corkscrew onto his opponents outside. Tiger opted to put Hardy back in the ring and clamped on a modified sharpshooter, but Hardy reversed into a cradle for a two count. Rollins came in, deciding to go for the Curb Stomp on Hardy, with Hardy managed to reverse into a mid air Twist of Fate! Hardy stood and was met with the shining wizard by Tiger. Bear came in and speared Tiger almost in half! Bear helped up Rollins, who executed the Pedigree on Tiger to win the vacant IC Championship. After the match, Bear was interviewed and asked why he turned on Tiger. Bear didn't respond, and simply walked off.

RTX 3rd Anniversary - 10/14/2010: The Hardy Boyz retained the RTX World Tag Team Championship against Edge and Christian in a brutal 25-minute Ladder Match that featured Jeff Hardy jumping onto Edge on a stack of four tables.

RTX Divas' Tag Team Championship - Triple Threat
Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch defeated Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne and Max Black & Bayley:
Charlotte's Natural Selection to Bayley
The fans were certainly divided in their allegiance with these three fan favorite teams. Max and Bayley seemed to be the odds on favorites to win it, though. At one point, five of the Divas were battling on the floor. Max flew off the top rope with a somersault, taking out even her own partner. Max put Rayne back in the ring and delivered the Fade to Black Tombstone. When Max went for the pin, Lynch broke up the pin. Lynch clamped the Disarm Her on Max. Max seemed to be about to tap until Sky broke it up. Sky executed the #1 Stunna on Lynch and went for a pin of her own, but Bayley pulled her off. Bayley picked Velvet up and planted her with the Bayley-to-Belly. Knowing what was coming, Bayley turned and grabbed Charlotte for the move, but Charlotte blocked it with a belly-to-belly of her own. Charlotte then executed Natural Selection on Bayley, but Bayley kicked out. Bayley went to the apron to recover, but Charlotte followed her, executing a brutal Natural Selection on the apron. Charlotte then covered Bayley to win she and Lynch the vacant Divas Tag Team Championship.

World Tag Team Championship:
Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose defeated Caleb and Shandi Essick:
Reigns' Spear on Caleb

Caleb and Shandi attacked Reigns and Ambrose before the bell could even ring to start the match. After smashing Ambrose into the steps, the devious siblings double teamed Reigns until he caught Shandi on a cross body attempt and press slammed her over the top and to the floor. Caleb hit Reigns from behind and got a neckbreaker for a two count. Reigns managed to tag in Ambrose, who decked Caleb with back to back clotheslines. As Dean tried to run the ropes, Shandi grabbed his ankle, allowing Caleb to hit a running dropkick to the side of the head. Reigns hits a Samoan Drop on Caleb. Shandi hits the Desecrator (modified inverted snap DDT) on Reigns and covers but Reigns kicks out! Shandi goes up top for the moonsault but Ambrose clips her from behind and Shandi gets caught up on the turnbuckle. Caleb charged Ambrose but he threw Caleb backward, causing Caleb to hit a reverse hurricanrana from the top on his own sister! Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds. Caleb reverses and gets a rollup with his feet on the ropes but Reigns breaks it up. Reigns goes for a spear but misses Caleb and hits the referee. Shandi comes in and hits Reigns with one of the title belts. Seth Rollins comes out and Curb Stomps Shandi onto the title. Caleb knocks Rollins outside, and turns into a brutal spear from Reigns. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on Shandey, and the Shield simultaneously cover their opponents to win the vacant titles!

RTX 2nd Anniversary - 10/17/2009: Bitter siblings Caleb and Shandi Essick finally ended their six-month long rivalry with a brutal (and bloody) 60-minute Iron Man Match. After the siblings were tied 3 pins a piece, Shandi seized advantage of Raven taking a chair from Caleb, hitting two consecutive Shandi-T's to finally gain revenge on her jealous older brother. This match is highly regarded as the greatest in RTX history.

RTX World Heavyweight Championship - Fatal Four Way
Bear defeated Eddie Edwards, Chris Sky and Roderick Strong:
Bear after his World Title victory

In this battle of fan favorites, the crowd was once again divided. Sky came to the ring sporting a new emo-goth getup, looking even more strange than ever. Each man was shown the championship before the match could begin. Sky and Edwards went right after each other (at our final show on April 1, Sky turned on Edwards and aligned himself with Davey Richards, his bitter nemesis), while Bear hammered Strong in the corner. As Chris managed to isolate himself from Edwards, Strong managed to knock Bear down. Sky leaped off of Bear's back, hitting Strong with Poetry in Motion. Sky turned only to get clotheslined by Bear. Edwards charged Bear but the latter caught Edwards and dropped him across the top rope. Bear covered Edwards for a two count. Bear immediately tried the Animal Lock but Strong broke it up with a knee. Strong hit an Olympic Slam on Edwards and also got a two count. The action spilled outside. Sky springboarded off the top rope with a 450 splash onto all three of his opponents outside. Chris played to the crowd who were going crazy. Divas' Champion Paige can now be seen watching on from the rampway. Sky charged Edwards but Edwards hit a brutal backdrop onto the steel steps. Paige looks concerned now. She runs over and tends to Sky. Back in the ring, Strong and Edwards exchange pins until Strong hits a gutbuster and follows with the Sick Kick, but Edwards won't stay down! He fights back with a powerbomb, following with a dive through the ropes onto Bear outside. Edwards comes back in the ring and hits the Die Hard Flowsion on Strong but Strong kicks out! Edwards goes for the Boston Knee Party but Strong ducks and Edwards straddles the top rope very
Sky's new emo-gothic attire
uncomfortably. Sky recovers and throws Strong to the floor, following with Natural Selection on Edwards. Sky goes for the Swanton and hits it, but Bear pulls him outside. Bear tries the pin, but Sky pulls him outside. Bear and Sky begin slugging it out. Edwards tries another dive through the ropes but Bear pulls Sky in the way of the move and Edwards drives Sky into the table behind him. Paige slaps the hell out of Edwards! Edwards gets back in the ring only to get a spear from Bear! Bear doesn't even try for the pin. He spears Edwards and second time, and covers to claim his third World Championship! After the match, Sky and Bear have a staredown. Sky puts the title over Bear's shoulder and walks off with Paige while Bear celebrates his historic win back in the ring.
